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Everything posted by TheDoctorInDayz

  1. TheDoctorInDayz

    "He who fights and runs away..."

    I never said you were bad, I just did not think it was cool to insinuate the OP did something shameful, or cowardly. If I die, that is on me, not anyone else. I will never ask anyone to watch my body, if it puts theirs in danger. If they want to risk it, that's fine, but I will never expect them to do that. This game is not about running back to your body, like the community has created, once you die, you are to start over. However, we all attempt to run back, but you should never expect anything from doing that, nor get upset when someone does not want to risk their life, when you want to use a tiny exploit of going to get your stuff back. .02
  2. TheDoctorInDayz

    "He who fights and runs away..."

    You are criticizing someone for eluding a bad situation, where he did not know where he was being shot from, nor how many people, yet you talk of a situation where you knew exactly where the people were, how many, knew they were distracted with someone else, and you still died. Not the same situation the OP had, and to make matters worse, your friend, who entered a building with players who had a heightened sense of awareness because of you, was still able to take them out. Does not bode well for your skills at this game. Try not to take others down, with your misguided sense that you are better, because you just told everyone, that you are not.
  3. TheDoctorInDayz

    "He who fights and runs away..."

    You were at a disadvantage from the beginning, you did not know where he was, and you did not know how many others may have been with him. It was right for you to get out of there, and a person who just stands there in the open, looks around, and guns it out right there is a fool, so do not listen to people who say you should have done that. There are two ways to handle that situation, one of them, is the one you executed. The other is to pinpoint a location of where he is as you are running towards cover, take cover in a spot where you can see the bodies of the dead, while also being able to keep your six covered. Alot of KoS'ers are impatient, they will be more interested in the bodies than in you. They may look for a small amount of time, as long as you stay hidden, they will think you left. He will then most likely head to the bodies, and then you murder him for what he has done.
  4. TheDoctorInDayz

    Morailty in gaming poll

    lol yep! I almost through that movie into that post, but figured one movie reference was enough.
  5. TheDoctorInDayz

    Your funny/awesome moments

    I would have pooped myself
  6. TheDoctorInDayz

    Your funny/awesome moments

    It would take too long to explain, but if you would like to see mine check out this video...if you do not want to watch the whole thing skip to 12:50...and watch..it progressively gets funnier all the way to the very end...the end is the best...backstory if you skip to 12:50 we met a guy on a previous server, and he was nice and i gave ammo to him...he left, sever crashed so me and my friends swap servers..we log into explosions around factory and a dead body in a town, we find a guy running around with a gun close by and my friend takes him out...but then he comes back to his body and the funny stuff begins..
  7. TheDoctorInDayz

    Optimization for 8 core processors?

    I think someone is flexing his 8-core muscle over here... :P
  8. TheDoctorInDayz

    Morailty in gaming poll

    Perhaps he is referring to the people that are vocalizing mock rape, and sexual acts on people who are restrained, or incapacitated. Force feeding toxins, maiming people. I could care less about KoSers..I do not like them, but there is nothing wrong with that play style, but when you do not kill, and go through a series of "Clockwork Orange" on someone...that's a flag to me. It could mean nothing, but I could also mean that person is disturbed. It also comes out more in groups, whereas an individual alone may not have done that.
  9. Think about it...games have always been just that, games. However, when you have a game such as this, with the personal interaction that it has, are we not discovering exactly what people would be like in real life if there were no consequences for their actions? I believe so. In my personal experience in the game, I have ran into people who are absolutely cruel to new players, and I can not help but empathize for the player being abused and realize that, these people who are doing this, would probably do this in their real life, if not for consequences. What do you think?
  10. TheDoctorInDayz

    DayZ - Just a Game? Or also a pretty cool Social Experiment?

    Thank you for your opinion, however, I did not say anything about the FPS aspect of the game...I was referring to the cruelty and verbal harassment that ensues when people have someone restrained. Perhaps I should have clarified in the OP, but if you would have read through the thread in its entirety, you would have seen that I was referring to that scenario.
  11. TheDoctorInDayz

    This patch is littertly game breaking.

    and to add insult to injury...the forums just got trolled by spam ads...oh boy! :( titanic....
  12. TheDoctorInDayz

    DayZ - Just a Game? Or also a pretty cool Social Experiment?

    They will for food and water. If society ended, no supermarkets, no gas, no food to come into supermarkets once they are picked clean. People in the cities will head to the country to try and grow food, but the country people who already live there, are going to protect their land, and when the majority of the population is starving to death, because we have been unnaturally multiplying like rabbits on less than what we can get from our own farms, people will die because of food. So not at first, but eventually, it will be a massive shootout. People will go mad for their families, and I would not blame them for it, they just want to survive, but everyone will not be able to. Grant it, in the scheme of things, most people who play this game, will not live more than a few months(if that) anyway in a real world collapse, because they are gamers, not real survivors...and I said most people...do not come at me Farmers, Survivalists, Marines, Army, and other branches or trades who play this game...I was military as well, and I live on a family farm...but most will die because they do not know anything about survival, nor the TRUE human condition. So I guess, regarding my OP, that in the end, it was futile to start this thread, because if the end were to come, they would not live to see my doorstep anyway. The End. :)
  13. TheDoctorInDayz

    DayZ - Just a Game? Or also a pretty cool Social Experiment?

    I understand your point you are trying to make, but it has not swayed my stance. Imagine this.....Your running along in the game, having fun killing zombies, and finding cool stuff, suddenly someone appears from behind a building and tells you to put your hands up. You comply..your scared, you do not know what is going to happen. The person handcuffs you, and begins to go through your things...scary situation, but so far normal experience in DayZ. Then the person begins to tell you to get on your knees....he removes your clothes, and begins to talk about how he is going to rape you(even though you cant). He continues on for a few minutes talking about all the sexual exploitation he will be doing to you, and then begins to force feed you rotten foods. The whole time, laughing, and stating how awesome this experience is for him, while continuing to yell at you, and tell you not to move. After a few more minutes, his buddy arrives, and they go through the whole process over again with what they are going to do to you, and discuss how cool this would be if it were real(joking or not, the statement was made). I am sorry, but I do not think that when this person logs off, he goes on about his normal day. I think he continues on about his abnormal in the head day. FYI, the thread is getting away from my first statements conclusion, "if there were no consequences".
  14. TheDoctorInDayz


    I did not mean for it to sound that way...was just making statements as well. I was killed within 2 minutes once...but yes perhaps exaggeration considering the average.
  15. TheDoctorInDayz


    I am pretty sure that the game is not designed for people to lurk on just 30 percent of the map and kill new players coming into the game. Sure you die in this game, but it should not be 2 minutes after you have loaded in for the first time, and every time after that. I do not claim to be a hero, but I will not shoot anyone unless they are a threat to me, I do not go around helping new players, but if I am running through a town that has new spawns, I will check things out and see if I can help. Moreover, I never complain about dying, it happens...to everyone..even MrBlack0ut81 at the end of Day16, even though he made it seem like he didnt.(He has a Dayz Series on youtube). Everyone is going to play the game how they want to play it. I would just think that the community would ease up on new players entering DayZ, or new spawns starting the process over.
  16. TheDoctorInDayz

    How to handle close encounters?

    All are justifiable kills to me. Anytime a situation goes hostile, anyone nearby needs to be cleared out. I am a good guy, but do not take me for a pushover. I may say I do not kill Bambi's, or other players for that matter, but that does not mean I have not taken out my fair share, due to them showing as a threat. You have to protect yourself, staying alive is what it is about.
  17. TheDoctorInDayz

    How to handle close encounters?

    You just belittled someone, who you believe is a be-littler, because of his belittling? Marinate. I was simply giving my opinion on the people who do this, I could be very wrong about it, who knows...but it is still my stance. If you did not agree...a simple I do not agree would have sufficed, and then you could have given an intelligent counter point on the topic.
  18. TheDoctorInDayz

    How to handle close encounters?

    lol.. nice
  19. TheDoctorInDayz

    Will DayZ work on my pc ?

    Do not attempt it. I had a similar set up, but it was terrible to play on low settings. I had to upgrade everything.
  20. TheDoctorInDayz

    How to handle close encounters?

    I do not spend hours looting up airfields..I loot up in 20 minutes, and look for fun encounters with people. We just play the game differently is all...Oh, and I do not server hop...the only way you are amassing that amount of ammo without spending 4+ hours doing so, is by hopping servers.
  21. TheDoctorInDayz

    How to handle close encounters?

    I am curious as to why your name, and profile picture are of Rick Grimes? Seeing what you say on here, you are clearly Shane at best...and he is dead. :)
  22. TheDoctorInDayz


    You forget the people who just got the game, and are learning how to play it, and you just murder them immediately..teaching them bad lessons of what DayZ is about. And I know your responses...it is what DayZ is about...well it is not supposed to be.
  23. TheDoctorInDayz


    I do all the time, check out my vids. I am new, but you can at least know where I stand.
  24. TheDoctorInDayz


    You are free to play the game however you want to, I am just sad that you must be terrible at this game, and you must resort to that. :(
  25. TheDoctorInDayz

    How to handle close encounters?

    I personally do not shoot any fresh spawns...It is a waste of ammunition. Of course, if they have fists out walking towards me after I told them to put them up, I shoot. Aside from that, in my opinion, anyone who shoots someone who is a new spawn is too incompetent to handle themselves around geared enemies, so they take their frustration out on freshies.