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Everything posted by TheDoctorInDayz

  1. TheDoctorInDayz

    DayZ - Just a Game? Or also a pretty cool Social Experiment?

    I would say that you are right to a point, but there are alot of videos out there of people being good to others, and not looking to just kill. You can check out mine if you like...I do my best to resolve situations without gunfire, but I do get into gunfights though.
  2. TheDoctorInDayz

    Barrel Overheating.. would you want this?

    Personally, I think it is quite genius of an idea. If I was the developer, I would implement it!
  3. TheDoctorInDayz

    DayZ - Just a Game? Or also a pretty cool Social Experiment?

    I would say that you are more confident in your abilities in real life than you are in the game...I am not saying you are bad at the game! lol... but I think that is why. Given the game is still a bit glitchy, it puts doubts in your head, whereas in real life, you have no doubts in your abilities.
  4. TheDoctorInDayz

    DayZ - Just a Game? Or also a pretty cool Social Experiment?

    Because you are able to be yourself, not just in real life, but also in the DayZ one as well; and you are able to share yourself with others, people you would not be able to in real life. That is my best guess..that is what it does for me anyway.
  5. TheDoctorInDayz

    DayZ - Just a Game? Or also a pretty cool Social Experiment?

    You edited after I gave you my beans!!! I want my beans back meanie!!! lol :P
  6. TheDoctorInDayz

    DayZ - Just a Game? Or also a pretty cool Social Experiment?

    Well, that is what it was, I do not think I can expound more than that. You claimed to have no consequences, but now you mention getting away with it, not that you have no consequence for it. Crusades? Auschwitz? Rwanda? and those happened with laws.
  7. TheDoctorInDayz

    DayZ - Just a Game? Or also a pretty cool Social Experiment?

    You are right, because it was a social experiment. Unless you are working for Kim Jong Un, or someone like him, I do not think that is possible...if it was, go kill someone tomorrow, and let me know how that goes. Amoral people, yes...I am talking about the ones that are Immoral, but are smart enough to obey the rules, until there are no rules. No, it greatly limits. You think if there were no laws, that there would be just a little bit more crime...and not a whole lot more?
  8. TheDoctorInDayz

    What dayz could have been without zombies

    I am pretty sure that this is an incorrect statement considering where the game is at this point.
  9. TheDoctorInDayz

    DayZ - Just a Game? Or also a pretty cool Social Experiment?

    No it is not, you need to read up on the Stanford Prison Experiment in 1971. College students were assigned roles, and that is it. The rest is what they wanted to do.
  10. TheDoctorInDayz

    DayZ - Just a Game? Or also a pretty cool Social Experiment?

    True, but name another game besides DayZ were you can restrain someone, and force feed disinfectants, or rotten food, or make them remove their clothes. I do not see where the internet offers that for people to do, other than real life events already happening, but I understand what you mean when you mention the internet. I am talking about the seemingly normal people in our lives, that through this game exude a very different kind of behavior. What they do in this game is not on the internet unless they post it, but I am sure, if they are the bad ones, they would not want their family seeing what they do.
  11. TheDoctorInDayz

    Did I miss something?

    I did not know how long he was off, so I was referring to the latest update we had.
  12. TheDoctorInDayz

    Did I miss something?

  13. TheDoctorInDayz

    Faster way to get military geared up?

    Yea, I am not a fan of it either, played for maybe 1 hour since it came out...They are aware of the Zombie problems, and I do not think they are going to change the Day/Night cycles, nor the spawn timers anytime soon. Back to your question... First off I do not get Mosin's or SKS's, Blaze Rifle is where it is at, but I will use one of those until I find a Blaze 95. Police Stations, Schools, and Piano Houses, and maybe even more places spawn Mosin's and SKS's.
  14. TheDoctorInDayz

    1fps in towns

    That is a little weird especially if you are getting 50-60 out of towns...it should not drop that much.... FYI I have the same Processor GTX 760 16G RAM 150Gb SSD However, First thing I notice is RAM...need at least 8Gb, but I run 16Gb. The others should be ok, but I would bet that your HHD is bottlenecking your system, which may or may not affect your game performance. Also, have you checked the videos that increase performance in DayZ? There are a few, and they help.
  15. TheDoctorInDayz

    Faster way to get military geared up?

    I gear up in about 20 minutes if I am lucky and the town I am in has not been looted. I used to be all about this military gear, full blown G.I. Joe..but I would spend so much time doing that, I was missing out on the game itself. I now just need a rifle (blaze is my preference) and some ammo, and I am ready to play the game. I have learned that you do not need all of the "end game" items, I guess you could say. I do not even wear any type of helmet. Just a cowboy hat, my rifle, and my wits. After I get those, everything else is just a wonderful experience, with some cool ones while looking for those items as well.
  16. TheDoctorInDayz

    What dayz could have been without zombies

    Didn't you know? I'm a Time Lord :) I just happen to be in Chernarus
  17. TheDoctorInDayz

    What dayz could have been without zombies

    Mind you, I hope this is not the case...but what will the excuse be next year and still no final product?
  18. TheDoctorInDayz

    What dayz could have been without zombies

    I will agree with you here...toss the zombies all together...lets get more of a "Book of Eli" or "The Warriors" or "Road Warrior" going on. DayZ was born with the implementation of zombies, that doesn't mean DayZ always has to have them...need to evolve.
  19. TheDoctorInDayz

    Creepiest Encounter Ever

    Perhaps, yes..Didn't think the other way around. Good point.
  20. TheDoctorInDayz

    Creepiest Encounter Ever

    They are in the same teamspeak...feedback from talking in game
  21. TheDoctorInDayz

    Thank you Dayz!

    For forcing me to wait 600 seconds when I have a session loss while entering a game, or during the game. Thank you for not putting correct times on the servers, so that when I log in, I cant see anything, because you just implemented this day night cycle, and I have never carried a flashlight before, and I have to log to be able to find a Day time server, in which i have to wait 600 seconds. Thanks for beefing up zombies so that when I was hit 3 times by one, fully healthy mind you, I died. I know you guys are trying to fight the Ghosting, but you are also discouraging everyone else as well. After this new update, I have played far less Dayz, because it has become a chore to accomplish any task. Sure it should be challenging, but when it takes me 30 minutes to find a Daytime server, I would rather go play a game that I just log into and start playing. It wouldn't be so bad if when you logged into the game, you had a flashlight in your hand, but you have to die to have that. Has anyone really found a regular flashlight before as loot? I haven't, it could be an item spawn, I just haven't seen it, I have only seen ones players dropped, but even then, how can I see it if it is pitch black. Even within my own clan, which is built on Dayz Mod, Dayz SA, and Breaking point players, people are leaving the standalone. Yes, I know it is alpha, but come on, I am no genius developer, but I know how to weigh the risks involved with a change to a game, and make a decision based upon what you are gaining/losing from the change. Gained-- Of the 5-10% of people who ghost, they will do it less often, but still do it, and play less often because it has become a hassle. Loss -- Of the 90-95% of the remaining players, they are getting frustrated and play less often because it has become a hassle. Where is the upside? How about this...If a player has been around any shooting of 1000m or under within the past 15 minutes, give them the wait time. The others are just trying to gear up or continue to have fun, so why penalize them? .02
  22. TheDoctorInDayz

    Why Should I Start Playing DayZ Again?

    I am still going to play, but the new patch has only discouraged players with the unbelievable wait times to enter the game...up to 600 seconds. I was in a server for 25 minutes, and I had to wait 300 seconds when I wanted to meet a friend on another server.
  23. TheDoctorInDayz

    Elektro Deathmatch vs Berezino Deathmatch!

    Berezino requires far more skill than Elektro, but Elektro has more of an intense atmosphere. Berezino