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Dr. Fever

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Everything posted by Dr. Fever

  1. Dr. Fever

    Knocking people out

    It could be some other food. Or you just have to be sneaky with it. I might not pick up a piece of meat just laying by itself but I would certainly take things out of a pack that was just laying there un attended. I could see some one grabbing the meat that way.
  2. Taking a quick selfish oppurtunity to bump my old suggestion post. Its mostly about weapons but there are a couple of other suggestions too, so now its in this consolidated thread! http://dayzmod.com/f...on-suggestions/
  3. Dr. Fever

    Overall hardmode ON in standalone

    I like some of your suggestions but numbers are not words, so no beans for you!
  4. Dr. Fever

    Remove the Murder/Bandit Kill count

    It's a debug thing, so hopefully it will go away or at least be replaced somehow. Frankly the people who chase scores are missing the whole point of video games. They are just getting an ignorant little fix from their imaginary "win" because they have no accomplishments in their real life. Me on the other hand, I play games for the fantasy escapism- so I can play pretend or experience a story for a little while while I try to skip past the more boring parts of my life....oh wait that kinda sucks a little bit too....
  5. Dr. Fever

    Taped Magazines.

    No, it is because of the extra weight. You can shoot like that but you have to be careful to support the weight of the magazines. A lot of rifles have enough play in the magazine well that the extra weight will cause them to move enough to slightly change the angle that the bullet is inserted into the chamber, which can cause malfunctions. Especially in weapons with more wear and usage, it can even be enough weight to pull the magazines from the well if you are moving around a lot. Its not like a person absolutely can't shoot that way but it causes enough problems that you have to be mindful of what you are doing. I agree with the guy above, the rifles load pretty quick in game as it is, it wouldn't really add anything to the game unless that was modified some way.
  6. Dr. Fever

    Taped Magazines.

    In my experience (8 years Army Infantry) this causes more malfunctions and that's why more people don't do it. Of couse if a risk for weapon missfires could be added in then it might be interesting if also they add this with a better reload speed + a reletively high chance of missfire compared to normal...
  7. Yup I got this in my suggestions thread. Did you hit search before you started a new thread?
  8. If anyone were to reply online to this thread it would only draw dipshit hackers to servers they hadn't got to yet dipshit
  9. God I hope so, your kind of attitude will only make things worse, similar to all the kill-on-sight apologist bullshitters.
  10. Dr. Fever

    Add more & better melee weapons.

    Some good Ideas in this thread, I like to think my weapon suggestions would fit in with these ideas. Hopefully we get a little more variety in the standalone
  11. I don't know if its the right way to approach the issue or not but beans for the effort
  12. Dr. Fever

    Less military weapons

    This suggestion has been made a bunch of times, including by me. I'm afraid we have awhile to wait as far as much in the way of weapon changes goes. If it does happen it might be later in the stand-alone stage of development. Still gave some beans
  13. Dr. Fever

    Weapon Suggestions

    Hey there everyone. This will probably be a big post so before I start I just want to say that Dayz is a lot of fun and thanks to rocket and the folks that help him out and keep the website and everything up and running. The improvements I suggest are not because I think that some of the weapons are game breaking, they just seem somewhat unrealistic and irritate me. Ok then, lets jump right in- Military Rifles and Machineguns-- I loved 'em in the army and I love shooting my brother's AR-15, but I think they show up too often. They should still be there to represent private ownership and a few military personnel falling victim but I suggest reducing the military rifle spawns by about half. Same with the machineguns. Silenced Weapons- These simply aren't issued to field units and I can't see delta force and spetsnaz being sent to man roadblocks and such to contain the outbreak. Please remove them. Submachineguns- Again, field units don't use these. They should be in very small amounts in the police station at most. Now if the above changes were made by themselves, it would remove a fair chunk of the weapons spawns. We don't want that now do we? Here are my suggestions to take up the slack- -.22lr rifle- these, next to shotguns, are possibly the most common caliber firearm found in civilian homes. Almost every one who learned to shoot, learned with one of these first. It should have longer range and more accuracy than the 9mm handguns but less stopping power. Still one-shot headshot kills though. Specifically I'd suggest a ruger 10/22 with a 10 or 30 round magazine. -SKS- These are old semi-auto military rifles that are common on the civilian market.They fire the same round as the akm and their stripper clips could be used to reload AKM magazines since they fire the same rounds. They have 5-round magazines. -Ruger Mini-14- Another popular semi-auto rifle on the civilian market that is also used by some police and military units. Fires same rounds as the M4 and uses 5 or 10 round magazines. -M1 Garand- Old U.S. semi-automatic battle rifle. Father of the M-14 variants found in game currently. Found in every gun store I've ever visited. Big, Loud, and Powerful, it has an 8-round magazine. -Scoped Enfield- I just plain love Enfields in real life and a low power scope could help you use these powerful rifles to their full potential. Not every enfield, mind you, you should only find them as often as some of the sniper rifles. -More Shotguns- These are common in any country with private firearms ownership but I haven't found one in-game other than the winchester which is actually not really a shotgun. Please make them more common. UPDATE (these are still weapon suggestions so I'll add them in here): Magazines: Another related suggestion I have it to make the magazines into their own type of item instead just another word for ammo like they are now. Amunition doesn't just come out of the box in loaded magazines (some exceptions like the enfield, sks and garand, if they were implemented, where rounds sometimes come in the box in stripper clips). Everyone with military experience and many with out can remember long minutes spend loading magazines before a range or field exercise. If its possible to implement the player should have to find magazines and load them with ammo they find. Each mag would need to be loaded before you could use it and of course you would need to have at least one ready to use the gun as more than a paper weight. Some firearms require magazines and remain very powerful if you have the magazines to keep quickly reloading. The magazine itself would have to be reloaded before it could be loaded into the gun. Others can be loaded directly and operated without worrying about mags but would possibly hold fewer rounds or be slower to reload. I don't know how easily something like would be to implement, maybe it could use a similar system to the current ammo conversion system? Here's a good example of the depth this would add to the game- Say you are walking around and you find the .45ACP revolver and some rounds, Great! Later you find a 1911. But it only has one mag with it. Do you pick it up knowing that you won't have more than 8 shots if you can't find another mag? Or do you stick with the revolver knowing you don't need anything besides bullets to reload it over and over? Slings: (from a reply to another thread) I don't have a problem with having to pull out the hatchet(axe) the way we do now. Its not in a quick draw holster or anything after all! What I would like to see would be to maybe do the same thing as "add to toolbelt" is with the hatchet but for the primary weapon too, just maybe change text to "sling weapon". Also if this were implemented there could be some weapons with and some without slings. This would add another layer of variety into weapon choices. Melee weapon suggestions: SOOO glad to see melee implemented! Now the firearms spawns can be realistically reduced further. Especially if some flavor is added to the melee weapons. I want to suggest dividing them into two "sizes". Some would take up the primary weapon slot like now, some would be "smaller" and take up the secondary weapon slot and do less damage. "smaller" weapons- A hatchet like now but make it take up the second slot and keep its abillity to chop 1 pile of firewood. Maybe a smaller model. Other one-hand weapons could be a wrench and a hammer that could have secondary abilities that allow you to work on cars or build stuff. "larger" weapons could include a Axe that would basically be like the hatchet we have now. It would do more damage than the one-hand hatchet and maybe chop 2 piles of wood. The other larger wepon I'd suggest is a bat or hunk of pipe. It could do lots of damage but not have a second ability. So that's my suggestion. I tried to keep in mind the type of weapons a person might find among abandoned towns. I know many places have more restrictive ownership laws than the United States but who knows what kind of laws they had in Chenarus before the outbreak! Thanks for reading. And if someone can help me figure out how to put pictures in text I'll add some.
  14. Dr. Fever

    Weapon Suggestions

    I was just saying that shotguns are very common in the real world and thats why there should be a bunch of them. Truth be told they do seem to spawn more often than they used to and now that its in game I do use the hatchet a lot too.
  15. Dr. Fever

    Strip cars for parts

    Found this with the search. I don't know how many good parts you should be able to get off all the wrecked car but surely there could be a few. I mostly want to be able to strip working cars for parts
  16. Dr. Fever

    Guns & Gameplay

    I'd agree with reducing the anti-material rifles so that they spawn pretty rarely, but I think that the accuracy reductions you sugested would go a long way towards improving things. I agree its much more accurate to fire fom prone but its not impossible to fire at least some accurate shots from other positions, perhaps there should be bipods and resting of weapons like in A.C.E.. But yeah I generally agree with you so, beans.
  17. Dr. Fever

    Transportation Suggestions

    That would be neat if the engine could do it. But for it to be a vehicle and provide meat might be hard to make work.... Vehicles are great but I don't mind going around without one
  18. Dr. Fever

    Banditry exploded

    Kill onSighters are nothing but chicken shits making excuses, there's no reason you can't let most of the people go about their business as long as you are careful.
  19. Dr. Fever

    Weapon Nerfing

    I think that pass out thing has a random chance of happening anytime you get shot, I know its happend to me in the past. I hope the damages get readjusted soon.....
  20. Dr. Fever

    Ports to open?

    I'll poke around in a town if it starts me out there but otherwise I avoid them. I usually see at least just one person at a distance when I'm in a town, mostly I avoid them, maybe for similar reasons you aren't seeing many people..
  21. Dr. Fever


    Too many High-End military weapons in game as it is....
  22. Dr. Fever

    I dont understand Zeroing.... at all

    The rifle sight's Zeroing adjusts the distance at wich the bullet should pass throught the aimpoint
  23. Dr. Fever

    Just some suggestions

    Rain and thunder and lightning happen already. Thicker fog might be interesting and realistic for some areas of the map. - But I gotta disagree on the AI helo and stuff
  24. Dr. Fever

    a bell tower

    I like the Idea of a player being able to ring the bell instead of it being just a meaningless ambient sound as it is now