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Dr. Fever

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Everything posted by Dr. Fever

  1. Dr. Fever

    Make Hatchet more readily available as weapon

    I don't have a problem with having to pull out the hatchet(axe) the way we do now. Its not in a quick draw holster or anything after all! What I would like to see would be to maybe do the same thing as "add to toolbelt" is with the hatchet but for the primary weapon too, just maybe change text to "sling weapon". Also if this were implemented there could be some weapons with and some without slings. This would add another layer of variety into weapon choises.
  2. Dr. Fever

    Make ammo scarce. Make DayZ HARD.

    Hmm.. maybe they still die eventually but make it so they have to actually bleed out before they drop? Except for a headshot of course. And while I agree on reducing the ammo and weapons I think players would and should remain as big a threat as zombies/infected...
  3. If you dont want anyone to get it I say try to go out in the middle of some pond and drop it there
  4. Its a good damn question. Been playing off and on since like May and only met two or three people in-game who weren't turds and maybe on or two more that maybe miiight have been mostly ok but they "thought I was someone else". 2/3 of the kill on site defense threads are just people trying to make excuses for being chickenshits and or thieves. I only ever had one "murder"(http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/56-dayz-stories/page__st__280#entry163068) might help if when you create your profile, you could create a custom appearance so that if people can keep better track of individuals who are especially good or bad or something. I dunno....
  5. Dr. Fever

    Beta 95168 - Double performance

    I'm pretty sure that at least some beta patches are not backwards compatible. I've had to drop back to earlier beta versions a couple of times because my favorite servers had not updated yet.
  6. Dr. Fever

    Some Civilian Weapons

    I'm glad other people are thinking along the same line as me on the weapons. I have similar suggestions in my sig
  7. Dr. Fever

    A couple of suggestions

    I don't think chainsaws are a good idea to use as a melee weapon. If it were somehow put in it would be death to use! It maybe could cut a shitton of wood but it would take up lots of space and make lots of noise that draws infected/zombies and need gas to run on.
  8. Dr. Fever

    More civilian firearms!

    Yeah I made a similar thread a little while back, link in the sig. The beans button is basically a like button right?
  9. Dr. Fever

    Alternative food sources

    On my first play I saw pumkins in the distance and spent half an hour sneaking around zombies to get to them to find out they were only for looks...
  10. Dr. Fever

    More civi weapons + weapon condition

    Pretty good thread. I made a similar one in the sig down there. I agree about toning down the military weapon spawns. I would also like to see some sort of reloading of the magazines. It would make the magazines themselves valuable, just like real life and would emphasize the differences between different weapons.
  11. Dr. Fever

    Stop being so butthurt over murders

    Just because people need to be careful doesn't make a bandit any less of a piece of shit.
  12. AAAYYYYYY!!! Wash that you and a buddy that dropped that box win the FN in it that time on dallas 23 a couple weeks back? Either way sounds like you are doing good stuff!
  13. Sounds like a good start to me. You should start right were you left off next time you log in, even if its on a different server. The chat is mostly disabled in newer versions except I think for direct chat wich is only heard/seen at short distances.
  14. Dr. Fever

    Freeside Trading Co.

    So the teamspeak is for the staff and stuff right? Others can show up to trade and stuff with just direct chat?
  15. Dr. Fever

    sidearm/hatchet toolbelt swap

    Think of it as more of an axe than a hatchet and it makes sense that you couldn't easily use it along with a long gun. That aside, I could go for a another different melee weapon like maybe a hammer that could do less damage but only take up a side arm spot instead of a primary weapon spot like the axe does now.
  16. What like right now? I was about to hop on ks 2 If you are interested?
  17. Dr. Fever

    Went swimming, can't get off water

    Last night I tried to swim out to a small island near otmel, I had done it in the past so I know its possible, but this most recent try when i got to the land my guy wouldn't get up, he just kept on swimming around on the land! He couldn't get up for nothing so I wound up re-spawning. It was weird.
  18. Dr. Fever

    DayZ Stories

    When i first started playing DayZ. My 5th or so life, i was on top of a building next to a road that i suspect went through the whole city (cherno or eletkro not sure). I started hearing someone singing born to be wild and laughing like a maniac on the direct communication with his mic. Next i heard the sound of some motor vehicle. NEXT i saw the singing dude driving a BUS through the city still singing and laughing his ass off while being chased by what must have been atleast 150 zeds. Never laughed so much to a game in my life! ^ Oh man I would have given quite a bit to see that!
  19. Dr. Fever

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    The problem with this is that the game is incredibly immersive. So when you're playing while that disconnected from reality, you don't make plans or react most effectively in situations that have such a huge disconnect from that immersive environment. It's just not the way our brains work when we have that disconnect from reality. So sure, eventually... we'll train ourselves to always think of exploiters first at all times, if it's not fixed. But if we come to that point, the gameplay is already ruined beyond repair. ^ Yeah exactly, good post.
  20. Dr. Fever

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    A couple of wire suggestions from a infantryman... I hadn't run into too much trouble with it until tonight and I know the ridiculous amount of wire is supposed to be fixed soon but tonight I ran into a bunch of it and got to thinking. Each wire emplacement looks to be a section of single strand concertina wire. From the interview I read it sounds like you have some military experience rocket so you know as well as I do that it isn't very hard to stomp down a single strand with you boot and get over it so please make the wire over step-able. If there is a way to make multi-strand wire emplacements then by all means it should be basically impossible for someone without tools to cross but single strand is not a huge deal. Obviously, players and infected should be unable to walk or run through it, but stepping over really needs to be an option for single strand. Also, have you ever had to carry a strand of concertina wire? Its not something you just stick in a pack! If you are carrying wire That is WHAT You Are Doing. It should make you unable to operate either weapon without putting the wire down first. If you are putting up wire its in an area that's at least temporarily secure. Laying wire is a work detail in and of itself, not a handy item you can just pick up and take with you. The Bear Traps will fit the role it seems you were trying to make wire fit into much better. And to the folks who complain(probably the buttholes clogging up buildings with in the first place) "But I want to build a barrier!(or some retarded internet speak version of that)", well, tough, wire isn't a door and padlock, its for building obstacles, an obstacle slows the enemy down but doesn't necessarily deny access and for that matter an obstacle is not an obstacle unless its covered by fire. And for the people who complain about my run on sentence, well shut up, I'm drinkin. Thanks for reading.
  21. Dr. Fever

    How to fix broken direct chat?

    I thought it worked now, is your server you play on using an old version or something?