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About tryllo

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. You accepted it. My name is dumbass :3 EDIT: Now i suddenly cant find you on steam...
  2. I am willing to make a group in DayZ ! Tell me your location i know i an near the coast and a small town maybe komarovo?! What servers do you play i like EU servers but American server are okay for me! I will be playing a lot of DayZ after the 1.7.1 patch my steam ID is Alex__2 EDIT: I couldnt find your steam
  3. Hello. My name is Simon and im looking for a few people who'd like to make a group with me in DayZ. I'm 15 and I'm pretty mature. I live in norway so i hope that the people who'd like to join me would live pretty close. My steam is Trykko and my ingame name is Simon :3