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About duncan816

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. OH GREAT, So I bought a new arma 2 and it is still doing it...
  2. Also I forgot to mention the server I got banned on before now let's me back in... So whats with that?
  3. Okay so basically I'm now just freezing so what do I do? I need answers...
  4. So basically You're saying i'm screwed and need to buy a new ArmA 2 OA?
  5. I don't really follow...
  6. So if I could get unbanned on the server would the rest work?
  7. I have done nothing, and how would the anti-hack do that? I've tried other server...
  8. Hello, recently I was banned from a server because I apparently "Was harassing people" but on to the topic. Whenever I go to load in I got a white screen and would crash, the weird part is that I tried and I could play on different map AND IT WORKED! But all of my friends play on vanilla so I need it to get working. So far I've re-installed Arma 2 6 times I have tried deleting stuff and verifying my Cache and nothing has worked at all and now on top of it i'm now getting the prenLOD error so first if someone could send me the launch options to get rid of the error that would be great and also help with the white screen. Oh! And also every time I load in before I get in it says I cannot play/edit a mission file that's been deleted and it says warehouse. Hope to see posts soon, duncan816