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Everything posted by javapapo

  1. Hello, greetings to all. Me and my friends, we have been joining/playing the Alpha version of Dayz a couple of months now. Its pretty exciting and fun. One of the most frustrating things latetly is the 'explosion' of either 'hacked' servers or people abusing hacks on several servers and just destroying the game experience. We dont mind get killed or start over, if other player(s) are just better, well organized or just for the fun it, he/she decide to give a fight and win. What is really annoying is to bump into players, admins etc, throw your bullets or have the advantage and suddenly, you get the you are 'dead' message. I am not talking about lag, or other technical glitches of the alpha version, i am talking about game script hacking or servers that are abused by their admins. As newbies, we of course can not know upfront which one to pick, we have selecte 1-2 and started playing. So the real question. Does the community has any list of proposed servers? In the game filter we have the 'Battle Eye' enabled switch to on, but this does not guarantee that the server we are going to 'join' is being adminstered properly (meaning do not scr** the gaming experience). Any tips or help? Many many thanks
  2. Well it's only empirical evidence, we have been playing to a couple of servers for a long time, in several close encounters with players (that we had noted down on usernames . and managed to speak to theam out of the mic). our characters were suddenly killed, firing weapons to other characters - in close combat did not seem to harm them ...etc . As far I can say see, searching through various reddit threads and posts in othe forums, server misuse and 'scripting' is still doable. Anyway i thought that it was kind of something that could be controlled by a server admin, but maybe the alpha state of the game still 'has; lots of open doors. if you have any suggestion for a server name out of the public list that you could suggest plz free, right now we randomnly try to play...
  3. Thanks for the replies. As far as i can read it's the game current architecture that you can change the 'client' state through scripting, whithout the server prohibiting you to do so. Anyway it is really very annoying...