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Dark Fox

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Everything posted by Dark Fox

  1. The fact that dysnc and being kicked effect this timer is just cruel. I have trouble connecting to matches in the first place so I might have to click on three match before one even begins to actually connect. Most of the time I just get waiting on host message and it stays like that till I back out in which time is added to my spawn timer. By the time I find a match I have to wait at least 5 mins.... on top of what I had to waste searching for a match that would let me spawn...
  2. Dark Fox

    "Failed to load profile. You character have been resetted"

    I have been searching and can't find an answer, as I'm having a similar problem. My character loads once each night which ever server I pick he loads the first time but then if I try to switch servers or even if that server restarts I get the failed to load character message and get wiped. This is the second night in a row now so I'm wondering if anyone else has similar problems? I'm logging out away from everyone and typically I'm trying to join servers that aren't packed.
  3. He said he was OHK by a zombie that spawned right next to him and you tell him to stop crying in the fourms about the game being too hard. <_<
  4. I just got the standalone a couple of weeks ago and I find it quite crazy that the zombie ai and path finding is such a wreck. I'm well aware that it's in production and being developed by a small team. However I just can not understand why any features are being added when the zombies walk through walls and floor. I was so shocked coming from the mod to the standalone only to find the zombies are even glitchier. This week when the update came out and added several new features I was really surprised to see one that mentioned zombies now take less body damage and more head damage. I get that your in development but it seems absolutely insane to added this to your release branch. I understand from a design perspective it makes perfect sense, to make the zombies more of a danger and how it makes the game more engaging rewarding players for accurate melee swings. The problem is that the ai is currently a giant mess they glitch through trees, see through walls, and were already hard to deal with when aggro because they are unpredictable and unstable. So you make it take more accuracy to kill them with melee and make them run faster. Where is the logic in this? I would seriously hold off on any feature implementation until the zombies are fixed. The game is named after it's worst feature right now how does that make sense? Instead of adding stuff like hand cuffs and blood types elect. please fix the horrible zombies. I want them to be strong I want them to do damage and be a treat but I also want to be reward for playing well and right now I'm punished for playing at all...