Hello all. Been spending days trying to get Dayz Mod/Epoch/Origin yadda yadda working. I'm lucky if I can step forward once spawning without DCing and maybe get 10mins play before DCing if extremely lucky! I've seen a few posts about this in my time trying to play, to no avail. I literally have nothing left to try to fix it! Opened as many ports as possible, reinstalled/installed/compatibility/install tricks, disabled any and all firewalls/antivirus. My internet is amazing, this is the ONLY thing I'm unable to play, SA works perfectly fine. I just wanted to experience some cars and helis but looks like I'm never playing ever :'( I'm at a real loss as to why this is the only game that seems to not let me connect! Any help would be very appreciated! First time poster so sorry if I messed anything up.