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Everything posted by Blern

  1. Blern

    Dead players turn to zombies?

    To follow zombie lore, players killed by zombies would reanimate as zombies. I like the idea of being able to loot player avatars that were fully geared when 'turned'.
  2. Blern

    DayZ is peaceful

    Call me Blern. If you are a newer player like me and would just like to partner up and trust somebody to watch your back for a while then find me on steam.
  3. Blern

    Death Stories From First Week of Playing

    First death was sadly, like hundreds of noobs who bled out after the first unarmed zombie attack. Second was after hours and hours gearing up quite nicely, rifle and pistol, plenty of ammo, food and two water bottles, just got healthy, fed and watered and filled up my bottles at the well, online map said some good loot was up in the deer stand, climbed up and glitched off the side and fell to my death. Was so mad I didn't play for days. Third death and all since have been from kos aholes with nothing better to do. I can see a lot of new players uninstalling because of those idiots. Its not helping the game at all.
  4. Used to one shot zombies with almost any axe, now takes 5-10 direct shots to kill. Any other melee weapon takes twice as many strikes to kill. Did something change with the patch?
  5. Actually, I'd prefer to use my fists if the damage were higher. I get sick of trying to find an axe. Just wondering why weapon functionality had changed.
  6. Blern

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    Really? I can think of a half dozen better ways to increase the realism. How about: -explosives -climbing up higher things than knee high fencing -sleeping -not gushing blood after one punch -actual population of zombies, not constant respawns -electricity (or did the people of Chernarus remove all that before the zombie outbreak?)