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Everything posted by Blern

  1. Blern

    what would you do in this scenario

    That's a risky move, looting in the open, so assume that he is not alone. Go running out there and his friend, who is watching from a building window, will take you out. Take cover and scope out the nearby windows carefully. Or, avoid and watch from a safer vantage point. Either way, be on high alert.
  2. Blern

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    I'd like to see this:
  3. Blern

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    Any pistol caliber carbine or SMG that shared magazines with my pistol would work for me.
  4. Blern

    SKS scope

    Is there any way to attach a rail for an ACOG or other scope or is the SKS just suited for the PU and long range?
  5. Its like its written into the code that if an engraved 1911 spawns, the mags disappear. Total bs. I spent 8 hrs combing through every base, tent, airfield, etc. By then I had a completely decked out FNX with 200 rounds so I left the 1911 in a barn for the next sap.
  6. Lately I've been collecting ammo and magazines of all types as I go through a base or air strip, if I have inventory space. I'll often have ammo for weapons I don't have or plan to keep (I prefer the .45 to a 9mm). The nice thing I do is if I find a weapon I don't want or need, I'll load it and/or drop extra rounds nearby for whoever finds it. We don't have to all be savages.
  7. I found the engraved 1911 once. Once.
  8. Blern

    Need to take a s##t message

    You must always examine your freshly dropped poo by clicking on it. You will get one of three messages: 1. Healthy looking poo. Nice body and bouquet. 2. Runny, painful poo. Your diet is unbalanced 3. Blood is found in poo. You will be dead soon. The devs may also allow us to carry our poo around and throw it at other players, rendering them sick.
  9. Blern

    The nice thing I do in DayZ SA

    Who says I don't climb to a tower and overwatch my trap...er I mean...gift to a new spawn? :D
  10. No, not KoS or sniping, much worse. I give false hope by looting a building completely and shutting all the doors behind me. A virgin police station, doors closed...nothing in that room...nothing in that room...wtf...nothing in that room...this is weird...nothing in that room...not even a can of soda...nothing in that room...WTF!! Heh.
  11. Blern

    Hero vs Bandit rap battle!

    I was going to be angry if I wasted a click on this topic. I was right
  12. Blern

    SKS scope

    Mucho grassy ass. Same for the Mosin, I assume, since it has no rail either but better range?
  13. Blern

    Finally I'm a hero

    ...said the spider to the flies. Hee heeee
  14. Blern

    Hello Everyone-Unfair Deaths Anyone?

    Zombie broke my arm at NWAF but I got my M4... ran to a farmhouse to eat and look for a splint....fell off the stairwell halfway up and died.
  15. Blern

    Bandits ruin this game

    You were loaded with gear and begging to get robbed. Nice that your partner was useless in the fight, too. There is a difference between 'bandits' and the idiots who just think its funny to kill fresh spawns with no loot. The more geared I get, the more I tense up and know I'm a target. I don't run around without a care in the world if I'm loaded, even in low pop servers. I don't mind that part of the game because its real. I'm guessing you and your buddy charged into a big town like you owned the place. Don't do that.
  16. ...by bringing up H1Z1. THIS IS NOT ADVERTISING You know those developers are reading this forum, playing DayZ and learning what not to do in a zombie survival game. Being a new player and getting killed a dozen times in a row in DayZ turns off a lot of new players, and the game's reputation suffers. When H1Z1 is released, what will become of DayZ? No more fresh spawn target practice. No more development income for Dean Hall. I saw Rhino's youtube video for H1Z1. The first thing out of his mouth was, 'oh look a mountain to snipe other players from'. Really? Maybe there will always be a market for intense MMO PvP games with a cute little zombie annoyance thrown in, but there is also a market for immersive, realistic open world survival adventuring with teamwork thrown in. We like DayZ. We want Bohemia to keep improving it. Remember that when you have that fresh spawn in your cross hairs. It could be that youtuber with a billion subscribers that says, "See? This game sucks so I downloaded that other one..."
  17. Well, if not for a lot of those youtubers, this game would be played by a grand total of a dozen or so Arma players, and Dean Hall's project would have been a failure. Monetizing the mod was good. It ensured better development.
  18. Well, shave my ass and call me Sally. Thanks, Steak!
  19. Two types of servers- one for random spawning and a more survival focused game, and a second for those that want coastal spawning and PvP ragers. Choice is good. Or, spawn zombie numbers relative to that town's former population. That would make it a bit more difficult for a clan to take over a town. Try joy killing fresh spawns with 100 zombies bearing down on you. Heh.
  20. Blern

    I can't stop killing fresh spawns.

    You sound like a jaded bambi that has no clue how to play the game. Were you raped and mistreated as a young fresh spawn yourself? Awww, poor pothead. Too stoned and cowardly to fight and strategize with advanced players, huh? 50 kills? Do you laugh at the same joke 50 times? most of us would rather duel it out with smart players than shoot fish in a barrel, but we enjoy more sophisticated things. You keep on laughing at the same joke. Good for you.
  21. Blern

    Top 5 things you want in DayZ

    1. Explosives. Grenades, mines, IED's and the elements to craft them 2. Pistol caliber carbines and other light SMGs (pistol and rifle uses same ammo and magazines) 3. Winter servers. 4. Zombies have loot (they weren't always zombies, especially the soldiers) 5. More maps! And a bonus one: more crafting