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Everything posted by scrubbie_mcnoob

  1. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Did the bible save me?

    The Book Of Eli is the movie name I believe.
  2. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Adding new sounds

    So much awesome in one short video. I would probably be too scared to play alone with sounds like that in game :)
  3. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Random leg fractures?

    Lag is a bitch, was playing with a mate last week who whenever he ate or drank while in a building either died or broke his legs. Bit of a problem when trying to hold the Novo town hall. At one point he died on the roof (from lag dropping him) I saw his body on the roof but was unable to loot it, then later after he had run back from spawning, he found his body four floors down. Lag is a bitch, related to alpha and a cousin of that bastard Murphy and his law.
  4. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Circle of zombies

    I came across what looked like 3 zombies in a conga line inside a building, was during the axe nerf so there was no way I was going in there to investigate.
  5. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Warning about future Storage on Tents

    The main thing I'm looking forward to is tent hunting, how many swings with an axe until it's ruined? Or just moving someones tent, just far enough for them to notice something's wrong, maybe replace all the ammo with rotten fruit. You gotta enjoy the little things.
  6. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Do we want vehicles?

    The only vehicles we need in the game are Lada's, (VAZ), we already have everything in the game to fix them, a hammer and an adjustable spanner.
  7. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Okay, Finally I've made my PC decision

    Your link works fine for me, any reason you want two mice? Ignore that, just saw your second link.
  8. scrubbie_mcnoob

    When does the cars come?

    Soon™. Well not really, but I hear bicycles are on their way.
  9. scrubbie_mcnoob

    I just had an amazing idea

    I always thought .22 rounds were in imperial measurements, there for .22 of an inch was roughly 5.58mm, that's a pretty big hole that I wouldn't want in my body.
  10. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Hacker or weird glitch?

    Had something similar happen with an ammo box. Sucks balls when you need to reload trying to massacre a horde of zombies and magically all your ammo has gone.
  11. scrubbie_mcnoob

    So how would you like dogs in the game?

    Dogs would be a good source of food, easy to lure with meat from a previous hunt. The fur would be good for crafting warm clothing. After all it's a survival situation. Eat what you can whenever you can.
  12. Dayz the Dayz the sleeping simulator, up to and including eight straight hours of a black screen with snoring sound effects, sounds awesome.
  13. scrubbie_mcnoob


    Sure, but after they introduce the ability to stab people with can openers.
  14. scrubbie_mcnoob


    My usual loadout is a mosin or sks with at least 10 rounds of ammo, anything over that is gravy.
  15. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Single Barreled Shotgun

    I would have thought the fact that a Blunderbuss lacks hands for cuffing and heads for covering that the answer would have been obvious, thank you for pointing out my mistake, I will strive to be more clear in future posts.
  16. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Anyone else feel humiliated when killed?

    Mistakes are what makes us human. You were trying to make the (virtual) world a better place, and for that I commend you.
  17. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Single Barreled Shotgun

    Only if they spawn handcuffed with a burlap sack on their head.
  18. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Single Barreled Shotgun

    I'd also like to see run of the mill pump action shotguns, not military stuff, just the type of gun the average farmer/hunter would use for say duck or pheasant shooting. Just remembered a guy I worked with a few years ago had a single shot rifle chambered in .45 acp that he used for pig hunting, looked very similar to the one pictured above. Would be another use for ammo already in the game.
  19. scrubbie_mcnoob

    DayZ Standalone - Day 1

    My advise would be to get a mic, even if it's only a $2 one that sounds terrible. The ability to communicate quickly can make all the difference when coming into contact with other players. I'm not saying you won't get killed, you still will, but there are the odd one or two who will spare your life and they are the people that make the Dayz experience awesome.
  20. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Player Numbers

    One thing I have noticed is that you won't find what you are looking for, until you no longer need or want it.
  21. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Craftable armor

    What about cutting the heads off of shovels and using them as armour plates? I doubt it would stop much more than a .22 round, but would be good against melee weapons.
  22. scrubbie_mcnoob

    If DayZ SA were real life...

    Shots were fired at 17 seconds, assailant advanced on the officers at 25 seconds. He didn't run away until 33 seconds in after throwing another object at the male officer. Maybe adrenaline levels were high affecting aim, but none the less, my point (opinion) stands.
  23. scrubbie_mcnoob

    If DayZ SA were real life...

    I'm sorry if my point of view offends anyone, but, if you are stupid enough to agitate armed police officers, threaten them with any weapon and refuse to comply, you deserve to be removed from the gene pool. Too many times the people who place their lives on the line to protect others are taken for granted, belittled and abused. Why should some drugged up or drunken idiot be left to cause damage, disrupt honest peoples lives and cost the hard working taxpayers money in rehab and healthcare when they contribute nothing in return?
  24. scrubbie_mcnoob

    If DayZ SA were real life...

    Judging by the amount of shots fired and missed, they have the same ballistics engine.
  25. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Suicide Commercial

    Wheres the "But wait, there's more" tag line?