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Everything posted by scrubbie_mcnoob

  1. scrubbie_mcnoob

    World War II era gun emplacements

    In Napier (east coast, north island, New Zealand) there are these awesome low profile gun emplacements ex WWII, nothing like what Rags posted, but still awesome historical sites. They have long been secured to prevent druggies and vandals (aka teenagers) from entering, so I'd imagine Chernarus would have done a similar thing. Also been a shit load of time since WWII, so any loot, especially anything iron based so close to nice moist sea air would be pretty much fucked corroded.
  2. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Give Us the Option to "Give" Players Items

    Never played any of the Fallout series, now I know you can do this in it, I may have to buy it and play.
  3. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Give Us the Option to "Give" Players Items

    I'd like to be able to unpin a grenade and place it in someones backpack, with or without their knowledge. Then GTFO while they either ditch the backpack or end up painting the surroundings red.
  4. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Ambient Sounds Broken ?

    I read the last line in Bill Murrays voice.
  5. scrubbie_mcnoob

    How's this game on a large hdtv?

    In Dayz: go into menu configure video User Interface change Size to whatever you want exit and confirm everything
  6. scrubbie_mcnoob

    How's this game on a large hdtv?

    I'm using a LG 50" 1080p plasma, sitting about 1150mm (or just under 4 feet for the metric system impaired) from the screen, will never again game like a peasant on anything smaller. Just sit closer and bask in the glory of large screen gaming. I don't have any problems with font sizes or UI problems, try playing with font sizes in the windows personalization settings.
  7. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Character is dying for no reason after the .50 update

    Australian internet lag issues? Blame Abbot. Sounds like desync causing character to fall into the floor.
  8. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Improvised Vehicles

    I'd like to have useable wheelbarrows and shopping trolleys. Easy way to carry lots of loot, and I could role play as a homeless nutter with a trolley full of cans.
  9. I've used a broadhead off an arrow to skin and gut a goat before (forgot to pack a knife), anything sharp will do if you are patient. My father used to sharpen the end of the magazine spring in his .303 for just such a reason, it was always on him when he was hunting.
  10. scrubbie_mcnoob

    DayZ + Spintires?

    Even if they only introduced mud like in Spintires it would be awesome, imagine trying to wade through waist deep mud fully geared (if weight made a difference), or using it to slow down/trap zeds.
  11. scrubbie_mcnoob

    DayZ + Spintires?

    As a keen 4 wheel driver and proud owner of a Russian racing tractor aka Lada Niva, I approve of this. Also I see Spintires is on sale in steam atm.
  12. scrubbie_mcnoob

    [Street Lights] Power Grid Maintenance

    Maybe, but I think a portable generator should be required, and with it the need for things like fuel (diesel or petrol).
  13. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Memoirs of an Axe Murderer

    You are a sick, sick man. I like you.
  14. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Backpacks: how to make them unique?

    Whats the point of a non waterproof backpack for hunting? Maybe it doesn't rain much where you are, but I would dream of hunting with a backpack made of paper, canvas is tough and waterproof.
  15. scrubbie_mcnoob

    What happened here?

    I'd also like to know whats happening, over the last few nights the group I run with have experienced this a couple of times. We have been hit inside closed rooms and out in the street. No one else (alive) had been seen, also no zombie moans that you used to get from the invisible zeds. Our only assumption is hackers.
  16. scrubbie_mcnoob

    I am shaking...but!

    I'm liking the new temperature mechanics, and although it is still in alpha phase, I believe it's working ok. Tonight a group of us were at NWAF, after a brief confused firefight which may or may not have involved some friendly fire incidents, the five or us sat around a fire to warm up and to take stock of our hunger and thirst. It certainly makes for a more cohesive experience when you sit around a fire crafting splints, sorting ammo and trying to decide if blood bag roulette is worth it.
  17. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Lockpicking: Minigames yes or no

    Knock, knock motherfucker.
  18. scrubbie_mcnoob

    The "ruined" status must go.

    Yeah, I do realise that we need to sharpen tools, but I have an axe in my shed that is easily 30 years old. I've lost count of the amount of firewood I have cut with it and yet it has not reached ruined status. I would hardly even say it's worn.
  19. scrubbie_mcnoob

    lighting the massive hay stacks or bails on fire

    Add the ability to craft a flaming arrow with rags and alcohol tinctures and I'm sure there would be lots of fun to be had.
  20. scrubbie_mcnoob

    The "ruined" status must go.

    I want to know how my woodcutter axe gets ruined from chopping firewood, I'm pretty sure that's what it's designed to do.
  21. scrubbie_mcnoob

    New military base west of Myshkino

    First time I played the new patch, first item I found was a longhorn, second was a bag of rice. All fun and games until zombies come running, no ammo, no melee weapon a fist full of rags and doors that won't open. 10/10 will spawn again.
  22. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Player Degridation While Logged Out

    That means I'd pretty much be a freshspawn everytime I log in, some of us have actual lives and don't get to play games every day.
  23. scrubbie_mcnoob


    As a bow hunter i'd prefer proper compound bows rather than gimpy crossbows, better range and accuracy. The only advantage of a crossbow is having a bolt cocked ready to fire compared to drawing an arrow on your target like a real man.
  24. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Idea for baseball caps

    And have your pants dragging around your ankles, pro gangsta stylez.
  25. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Idea for baseball caps

    That would be awesome, a perfect excuse to be shot in the face for looking like a total douche.