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Everything posted by scrubbie_mcnoob

  1. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Family member can't play on same computer.

    Double post for some strange reason. How does one delete a post?
  2. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Family member can't play on same computer.

    Tell him to buy a pc for you, problem solved.
  3. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Night vision equipment

    The game already has night vision equipment, in fact you spawn with one. If you hadn't worked it out, it's a flashlight.
  4. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Dayz / Arma3 crashes at launch

    I finally get some free time to play some Dayz and guess what, no game time for me :( Everytime I launch Dayz Battleye console flashes on screen, Bohemia Interactive splash screen loads then the game freezes, have to ctrl alt del to get out. Dialog box with "instructions at 0x007c6a68 referenced memory 0x000000b8 not able to read". What I've tried: The list on Battleyes FAQ page Verifying game files (multiple times) Uninstalled and reinstalled Battleye Uninstalled that broken Windoze update sfc /scannow (no problems found) Uninstalled and reinstalled Dayz Ran Memtest86 no faults found Arma3 same problem, with no splash option ticked will load to main menu, but click on anything and it crashes (in process of re-downloading 10gb of game files) Arma2 no go either. No problems with any other game or software, the conclusion I have come to is the only common factors are Bohemia Interactive and Battleye (have sent email to Battleye but not holding my breath while I wait for them not to reply). Hopefully someone on here is smarter than I when it comes to issues of this type and can enlighten me. Just tried (again) to play Dayz, and IT WORKED!! Worth noting Battleye console box shows it blocked loading of Freetrackclient.dll (tried with Freetrack started, stopped, not running and uninstalled earlier with all have no effect on launching Dayz).
  5. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Freetrack Headtracking, Blocked ?

    Bit of a necro post here, but I too have been having problems with Freetrack. Not only in Dayz but also Elite Dangerous. The only workaround I can get to work is download and run Opentrack, start tracking, load the game, alt tab out, stop Opentrack, start tracking in Freetrack then exit Opentrack and finally alt tab back to the game. Bit of a shag around but it works.
  6. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Fecal evacuation upon player death

    Dude, you have far too much spare time if you think of things like this for a game. Although I do think defecation should be in the game (due to the amount of food my char goes through, it has to come out sometime), the ability to force feed may have negative consequences.
  7. scrubbie_mcnoob

    What ever happened to......

    Alpha. But seriously, why would you want a chainsaw? While it was fun in Doom, by the time you find a chainsaw then jerry can with fuel and some two stroke oil to mix with it, let alone a file to sharpen the chain, the noise created by the saw would/should alert every zed within 500m minimum. Also military loot sucks balls IMO, too much mil loot already let alone have another KOS point on the map, also why an American rifle in a post Soviet state? Just my personal opinions, remember to never let logic get in the way of a good story.
  8. scrubbie_mcnoob

    budget monitor recommendations

    Just buy a second hand plasma tv, I'm rocking a 50" 1080p LG, I will never go to anything smaller, well not until the Oculus Rift is released.
  9. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Your sworn enemy.

    Camper vans and horse floats, when you drive more than 70km each way to/from work these pricks always appear when there are no passing opportunities, cock suckers could at least try to do the speed limit, and don't get me started on those two wheeled pedal powered pricks.... motherfuckers.
  10. scrubbie_mcnoob


    I thought there was a cancel action for drinking from wells and ponds, then again I don't use a console controller in any FPS game. Glorious PC Gaming Master-race and all. Or it could be I never drink or eat until I'm 100% sure the infected are not aggroing on me before I do.
  11. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Craftable Crossbow bolts

    Maybe the loot spawn amount for bolts is correct, it's just that everything else spawns far too much?
  12. scrubbie_mcnoob

    4gb ram or 8gb ram ?

    Speaking from my own experience, going from 4gb to 8gb does make a slight difference in dayz, it runs smoother (less frame drops, windoze and all the other shite in the backgound runs without problems).
  13. scrubbie_mcnoob

    game playing on wrong monitor using duel screens

    Have you tried changing primary/ secondary monitor settings in windoze gfx menu?
  14. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Basic OC Question

    Don't listen to these nay-sayers, OC the shit out of that thing then enjoy thermal throttling as your house is warmed by the glow of your toasty new heater.
  15. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Balancing Wound Infection, Stitching, Rags and Bandages

    TLDR, why not just make it that alcohol tintures applied to rags/bandages/sewing kits give 0% chance of infection?
  16. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Constant Rain

    Raincoats work, also light a fire now and then. Just remember this isn't COD, slow down and take your time, it's a survival game after all.
  17. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Tired running around for trucks >=[

    I'm not interested in finding trucks due to the noise, but everytime I find a jerrycan, I make a point of emptying it just for shits and giggles. Gotta love denying people something they crave.
  18. scrubbie_mcnoob

    where are all the teddy bears :(?

    I came across an xmas tree up in the NW of the map a few days back, had a look around and found 4 or so bears under it, looted the police station right opposite and when I came out there were 3 bears sitting out in the middle of the road, full of ammo. I could swear they weren't there when I entered the police station. Needless to say my paranoia level went over 9000 and I hauled ass out of town.
  19. scrubbie_mcnoob

    The next car. The bus/motorhome

    I cannot see a problem with people using FAG in most cases, they are an extremely high quality bearing. http://www.fag.de/content.fag.de/en/
  20. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Making fire with a broken hacksaw blade

    From past experience safety blades are usually bi-metal, less prone to breaking during use.
  21. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Making fire with a broken hacksaw blade

    This is what I like about Dayz SA, the dev's actually peruse the forum, on a side note while watching the video I found myself thinking, is he using a HSS or bi-metal hacksaw blade? (I tend to overthink stuff, i.e. failing to prepare is preparing to fail).
  22. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Teamspeak, Skype, etc... banning

    Cellphone plans? I'm still using 14.4k dialup.
  23. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Why does the game hide everything cool from us?

    I found the best way to find anything in Dayz is to not look for it, i.e you need a mag for a pistol? good luck finding the right one. But aimlessly wander the countryside with no real goal, and guess what? you stumble across the rarest of rare loot (quite often on corpses). I used to server hop when I first started playing the game, now I just find the one with the best ping and go for a stroll.
  24. scrubbie_mcnoob

    Cant i have a bowl of cereal!

    Rule #32, Enjoy the little things.
  25. scrubbie_mcnoob

    I need your help.

    Eaten any human flesh lately?