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About eXXonWaldez

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    On the Coast

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  1. eXXonWaldez

    Where are Town Name Signs?

    Yes i have, and i have used compass to go to a specific place. But one thing that i assume is wrong. :) The north:) However i have found a sign at last. I am around severograd. Huh. thanks guys. I have been playing for maybe 5 hour as lost:)
  2. eXXonWaldez

    Where are Town Name Signs?

    :) I have seen some balloons placed on farmsand city is big contains police station and farms.maybe it helps. Also, i have come here from edge of the map. Edge was on the left of me. However i had to find water so i got the edge behind of me. Now im totally lost :)
  3. eXXonWaldez

    Where are Town Name Signs?

    I am currently lost and as always, i search for the town name then i can find my way. However maybe for 5 villages, inclusing bigones, i cant find any signs. Does anybody know?
  4. eXXonWaldez

    Zombies can hit while sprinting?

    ı have also been in such situations, i could not escape, kill, get healed, so i have waited to die. Natural selection ruled a couple of times :)