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Alpharius (DayZ)

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About Alpharius (DayZ)

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  1. Alpharius (DayZ)

    To all you sniper bandits out there

    ill find you before you find me ;D
  2. Alpharius (DayZ)

    How many kills do YOU have?

    I have 43 murders on this life. I get a majority of my kills sniping on the coast (so not much of a big deal) but I use an m24 usually takes a few shots to put them down unless its a headshot. I also use the m107 one shot kill anywhere so its very nice to have but this weapon is used for over watch gotta keep my fellow bandit mates safe :D.
  3. Alpharius (DayZ)

    Any bandits enjoy CQC?

    CQC with a enfield is always fun. Its actually one of my favorite weapons I prefer the killing power 1 shot usually one kill. The AKM also works well but I cant stand the sights on it. So its the enfield for me. Unless Im sniping ;D
  4. Alpharius (DayZ)

    What is your logic, Bandits/PKers in general?

    If they have a weapon they are a potential threat and if they do not they will become a threat in time. So i usually shoot all players I come across unless I know them (i.e playing in my ts in another group). If they have nothing I just leave the body to rot and If they do I loot it when I feel it is safe.
  5. Alpharius (DayZ)

    Your Bandit Video Thread

    I have watched both montages. I liked the second one far better mostly because you didnt pussy around and lure people into false sense of being friendly. You just killed em which i enjoyed watching. Being a fellow bandit myself i agree with your point newbies should fight newbies and experienced should fight experienced. . Anyways great job on the vid.
  6. Alpharius (DayZ)

    Forming a small group

    if your still looking for guys. I would like to pop in and see whats up. Plus ive also played warband and played it for a few yrs lol
  7. Alpharius (DayZ)

    The New Zombie Count is AWESOME

    Personally i would not work with others that I did not know or trust new people. That is "realistic behavior". I do not fear zeds, only other survivors. In a real situation I do not think people would be happy to see each other unless they are in "NEED" of something. If not it would be either go away or die or it would be shoot on sight.
  8. Alpharius (DayZ)

    The New Zombie Count is AWESOME

    Im gonna have to agree with wirlwind here. There is no more social tension people are more likely to group up out of necessity rather than wanting too. Seeing a survivor its more likely than not their going to help you. Not shoot you because of fear of the horde.
  9. Alpharius (DayZ)

    The New Zombie Count is AWESOME

    like mezzanine said you can get into the cities pretty easily and loot things. If there not looted already or you get garbage spawns or you get shot and if you do well sir you just wasted your time Anyways I find the amount of zombies fine in cities and such. The count in towns like kamenka is outrageous tho. Crawling 20 mins to get through backwater towns that have maybe 10 houses and god forbid if you have to shoot. One shot literally equals 30 zeds on any town and city and you don't even have the time to search the town before 30 more spawn. Also in a Zombie Apocalypse the bandit is suppose to be the main threat not the zeds. The majority of the time is also spent in sneaking for a can beans or a small bit of ammo that you could carry but would be useless in the end since one shot produces 30 zeds and the ammo just doesn't surpass the risk/reward. Be better of with smoke nades than an AKM with several mags. Another thing If I chose to lone wolf it, I should not be penalized since i'm not in a group. Why should I change my play style? Maybe some players enjoy experiencing DayZ alone. I personally enjoy both, but now i can pretty much kiss goodbye lone wolfing inland. Lately I have been camping outside cherno just killing survs and bandits literally for their BEANS and water. And since they are in the middle towns when i shoot them. They really cant fire back for fear of 50+ zeds on their ass. So its easier than ever, and if i do get zeds on me i just run right be their dead body and poof zed free
  10. Alpharius (DayZ)

    Rarest Weapons?

    Ive found a m14 AIM and my friends have found an m24 and m16 ACOG
  11. Alpharius (DayZ)

    [PvP] Flag

    Factions would make the game boring. It would end up being 2 large factions that would not fight each other for fear of losing all their gear and base of operations or 1 big factions swallowing up smaller factions till no one was left to fight. I would rather keep it to small groups so the fighting will be constant and each group would struggle at one point or another. I believe the current pvp is fine. Just last night some friends and myself ran around for about 6 or 7 hrs without seeing a soul or being noticed by another (guessing that because no one shot at us or came up to talk). Not saying this will always happen but if you keep a low profile move inland your chances of survival are increased at least twice fold. To be honest if this mod didnt have pvp it would be boring just looting and shooting zombies gets boring real quick. If your decent its just go in barn shoot the zombies, grab the gear and repeat. There would be little risk and tons of reward, but when you have all the nice guns. What are you gonna do with it ? Just waste it on zeds or would your rather pop some bandits head or other survivors head? I would choose the latter but that just me. Also The feeling of helplessness while running through an open field or scavenging a town praying for no other survivors to be there. Adds a great element to the game that i personally enjoy.