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Nils (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Nils (DayZ)

  1. Nils (DayZ)


    Whats wrong with it ? It´s down since 3 Days now, what changes will be taken ?
  2. Ohh come on !! I spawned AGAIN in the middle of nowhere. The first time i had to respawn my nearly 40Hours ingame old survivor i was like okay, it is an Alpha it happens.. I respawned got my gear found a Sniper loads of ammo for it etc... AND THEN IT HAPPENS AGAIN !!! Come on please... If you Dev´s out there can do anything please... Player ID: 21113030 Player name: [mh] Nils Please just waste 30seconds of your life and help a frustrated fellow
  3. Nils (DayZ)


    ? i installed the latest dayz files + beta and that canada 2 thing just worked fine
  4. Nils (DayZ)


    So thats what i did. Join the server Canada 2 you will spawn in Debug Forest Head East untill you find Kamenka its about 10 minutes footwalk.
  5. Hey my name is Nils, Im not a DayZ Veteran but im playing it intensively since 2Weeks now. Since most of the threads are "OMG THESE NEW PATCHES BROKE DAYZ ,GIVE US OUR WEAPONS BACK, I ONLY GET SPAWN KILLED etc". I Decided to open my own Thread and tell the dev´s and the community what my current thoughts about Dayz are. Up front i apologies for my moderate englisch skills, im from Germany and it´s my first "feedback" in englisch and propably my first of all time. So first off all, I love that rocket adds more and more realstic feeling into the game like, starting with painkillers,bandage and a flashlight. These are items EVERY neighborhood have. Also during a apocalypse Weapons are the first things that get taken or hidden, weapon shops ´ll get looted and so on. So its fine for me not starting with a weapon. BUT if your not able to sneak past zombies and get the food you need in markets , appartements and so on, it will get ridiculous and the atmosphere vanishes because you know they´ll see you anyway, so you just run like a coward into the shop and keep running ( In a movie you would be the first one who dies, and not the black one. (no racial)) The melee weapon update brings even more realism to the game and i like it, IF there werent that "ammo for swinging an axe" are u serious ? i mean okay you cant swing an axe 24/7 you go out of breath and you get slower each swing, but why not lose Thirst or Hunger each swing you make ? A firearm would be the LAST thing i would use if i were in a town full of zombies so why not raise the radius a zombie gets attracted by a gun shot instead of walking like KingKong, so ur footstep attracts more zombies then a gunshot. At last a few suggestions by my watch. It would be helpfull and more realistic that, if you sneak near a wall, the zombies will see you harder. Also why not adding a "Zombie bite infection", like if you get hit by a zombie its a 30% chance that you get infected. But there´s a antidote that you gotta take/find every 3Hours or so, if not you turn undead and a zombie spawns at your location and if you dont tell your group mates they might get surprised and get infected too. last but not least what you guys think about barricading doors ? And cover up windows so the zeds cant see you through windows. It gets pretty late i´ll update the thread as soon i get more ideas. Why dont you tell me ur opinions ? I hope you can read through my text without getting eye cancer. best regards Nils :)
  6. Nils (DayZ)

    My thoughts about DayZ 1.7.1.x (No whining)

    Jeah i agree with ur statement, but there always could be a zombie inside a room. 1 ! maybe 2 but not 5-9 in a single house :) I nearly forgot, what about that "Fast zig zag running thing" why dont you do it the "Romero way" More zombies but slower looks for me that the Walking animation is just fine. @amov1ngtarget Thank you i appreciate it :) And yes thats exactly my thought about that sneaking stuff
  7. "And there is no steal inventory bug. We had to reset some peoples inventory because they became full of the infamous invisible magazines." I picked up the hatchet and had 10k "magazines" for it. So thats why my inventory is empty ? + That wasteland spawn thing ?
  8. You guys better dont download that patch... I spawned in the middle of nowhere and lost all my gear :) I hope my char gets a "reset" if the new patch is out...
  9. Nils (DayZ)

    Spawn in nothing

    Oh great :) I´ve got the same problem. I lost all my gear and im in the middle of nowhere + im bleeding out. T_T I guess i have to respawn... good ol' 50cal.
  10. Nils (DayZ)

    Problem with Interface

    Hey :) I dont really know how to explain my problem so i made some screenshots. http://www.pic-upload.de/view-14674929/ArmA2OA-2012-06-15-16-28-06-29.jpg.html http://www.pic-upload.de/view-14674940/ArmA2OA-2012-06-15-16-28-13-56.jpg.html http://www.pic-upload.de/view-14674949/ArmA2OA-2012-06-15-16-29-41-12.jpg.html The thing is i cant use for example the first Bandage because the "Use Bandage Button" Is behind that Inventory so i somehow have to move the bandage to the slots on the edge so i can click the button which slightly shows up at the right of the inventory. Has anyone the same problem ? Or knows how to help ?
  11. Nils (DayZ)

    Problem with Interface

    Thanks :) It worked just fine i reinstalled arma 2 + oa and installed dayz via worrom updater. Installed Beta patch and everything was fine
  12. Nils (DayZ)

    Problem with Interface

    Huh...Jeh i did :) Well Thanks for the fast reply :) I´ll try it