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About 123justin321

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. 123justin321

    Invisible world in a certain radius around me

    Okay, I've found out what the cause of the issue was. That new AMD equivalent to NVIDIA Xperience or whatever its called, "AMD Gaming Evolved", apparently decided it would be a good idea to force MSAAx2 on DayZ. I've now set the settings back to application controlled, and everything is fine again.
  2. 123justin321

    Blurry text

    I would guess that changing the texture resolution to a higher value does not help? Also, I'd recommend to set the Video Memory setting to "Auto" if that's not the case for you
  3. 123justin321

    Invisible world in a certain radius around me

    Why should I settle with 90% resolution? First of all, its obviously some kind of bug that can probably be fixed. Secondly, I don't have my graphics set all the way up. Most settings are set to normal. What I don't do, however, is to fuck around with any other resolution than my screen's native one, because with LCD screens in general, this produces graphics that are blurry as heck. Since I clearly stated I don't want to alter my resolution, you can feel free to feel sick about something else until you've got anything useful to contribute.
  4. Hello there fellow survivors, since today, I suffer from a rather weird graphical issue. The world and everything in it around me inside a certain radius is simply not visible/not rendered at all. Sounds weird? It sure is. Screenshot below http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/3264294271731806865/50B11FFC1E03557571C8FAE1FF244B7C4DBD3962/ This only started since this afternoon, it has not been present yesterday evening. I didn't change anything about my computer, not the games settings or any driver, nothing. Funnily, as soon as I change my resolution to anything else then 100%, which is 1920x1080 in my case, everything goes back to normal and gets rendered correctly. However, the game turns out to be horribly blurry if selecting a resolution below 100%, or my framerate dies if I put it higher up. Is this a known problem for anyone? Is there a fix? I tried pretty much everything I could think of. Deleting the .cfg, disabling any kind of overlay (Steam e.g), turning off additional gpu related software like atiTrayTools or RadeonPro etc. To no avail. Any help is appreciated. Regards
  5. 123justin321

    Graphics change after update

    The extreme shadowing around tight spaces, around the nose e.g. or in buildings corners, happens due to Ambient Occlusion. Before recent updates, it was way more subtle and realistic. But for some reasons I don't quite understand, someone at the dev studio decided it would be a good idea to let the ambient occlusion go nuts and crank its intensity all the way up. I hate it, too. I happen to have a screenshot around actually, in which you can see quite well how ambient occlusion used to look before. It's a graphical glitch mostly, not showing alot of textures, and thus the actual AO can be seen really good. For example, note the slight shadowing below the backpack or in the trees.