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About Jalapan

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Jalapan

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

  2. Jalapan

    Small but yet important fixes

    For some reason i cant post in the bugtracker so id share some important fixes and bugs here wich i think and i have heard fr.o.m. Many others are very important to fix to improve gameplay before more bugs add up. Here it goes Small but important fixes to improve gameplay. - Tweak hunger/thirst , you should not need to drink 15times in a row from a well to get hydrated, nor eating 5 cans to get rid of the hunger icon, also you should be able to go longer without being hungry/thirsty. - Make Suppressor's/silencers work. - Fix the random zombie/drink sounds from ambiets sounds/animals etc. - Fix slow UI (you sometimes need to press the actionbuttons 1-3 times to get a response, and they are delayed and funky) - Fix Binoculars/sniper scopes (some backpacks cant be used with scopes you see the backpack in the sights) and binoculars Only works standing up. - Tweak bullet/melee damage to clothes and items inside the clothes (one bullet shoulnd't ruin a vest and all items in it, maybe make the vest damaged and ruin one of the items in the vest, certianly not all 6 items since i dont think a bullet would hit all items at the same time) - Fix ACOG magnification level that is only 1.65x now(bugged) to 4x as it should be - When you drop a item/weapon on a floor/near a window, the item/weapon falls outside the house/window(s) or down to the other floor(s)