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Everything posted by sgtchiefapone

  1. sgtchiefapone

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    I've not been able to find any servers since yesterday. Whats going on? I don't really want to change my experimental setting to opt out but I might do soon just so I can play :(
  2. sgtchiefapone

    DayZ is peaceful

    Hey people. So been playing for about a week, seen the game being played on Twitch and really liked the look of it. So how do I play, well I'm a lone scout at the moment, have been eaten, bandit buggered and sniped. I keep low and check all my corners before making my moves. If I do spot people I wait till they pass but that is not to say I don't want to say hello. I would like to to play with other people but my gaming time is mostly late evenings due to family. Message me if you want to join in, I know where most stuff is now and can get kitted up pretty quick if I do die. Am playing on the latest update which means you need the experimental tab selected in Steam to play with me.
  3. sgtchiefapone

    no such thing as friendly lol

    I lost the faith, I've meet one friendly person who tried damn hard to save me from bleeding to death. Other than that no one has been friendly. So I keep low, check all my corners and scope from a distance. I have not turned though, I will not shoot people just because. I was on the shipwreck pistol in hand when I seen another person come onto the deck, I let them duck into the cabin and hide, I had done my looting so I bid them farewell and went on my way. Love the game and I get people like to be dicks :) I guess I'm just to much of a nice guy that's why if the shit ever hit the fan in the real world I wouldn't last long lol. If you want to come join me in being a hero and sticking it to the bandits then message me. I might let join me, myself and I! lol I'm safe with the voices in my head