So, I've been playing this patch now for an hour or so. I had a few zombie encounters and could kill some with one hit to the head, others needed two hits with the fireaxe. One didn't want to die, but there I was having trouble with maneuvering. Not quite sure if I like the new mouse behaviour... This last zombie I killed with the M4 in a hangar. As I have a suppressor on it no other zombies showed up. I looted the Military Camp next to the Balota Airfield, it has been tons of optics there for the M4, both red dot types plus some suppressors for pistols. All together it was a lot of similar objects in the tents, sometimes 2 Magnums, 3 optics and so on. Killing Zombies with suppressor on M4 wasn't difficult at all... Stuff is spawning now on the broken trucks and in the cars... I had an issue with drinking / eating. After a while I could only inspect my drinks and food, not consume it. BTW: I found this BUIS optics for the M4. Is it better than having the carryhandle optics? I have a red dot and an ACOG (damaged) now as well so I would get rid of one of them. Found the crossbow with one infinite bolt. Left it in the ATC after playing around a little. Most annoying for me: Cannot see the impact of a bullet on long range shots any more, so target practicing was lame (voted on that bug). After all: Playing as lone wolf is OK, I attracted some Zombies but not too bad and if you have weapons you can get rid of them. Luckily I'm not a newspawn right now :-) As I'm sitting on a gigabit internet connection I did not have issues with lags or teleporting.