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About Torothin

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  1. Upgrading to an SSD is hands down the best improvement you can ever make to your gaming rig.
  2. Movement has been increased since moving to an SSD. There are pretty much zero jolts as opposed to my HDD. My Rig: i7 8 GB RAM 7850? RADEON Saphire I am convinced that more has been improved than just load times. Overall game play has as well.
  3. I decided to move this game to a SSD and man what an increase in performance. I am talking about joining servers in under 20 seconds as opposed to 2-10 minutes. And the FPS... Crazy!
  4. Torothin

    DayZ Stand Alone is unplayable

    Is that truly the game plan? Join an empty server and head north for any useable loot?
  5. Torothin

    DayZ Stand Alone is unplayable

    I am more miffed that I have been roaming for 4 hours and not found a single loot on any server...
  6. I get it, it's pre-alpha. But it is totally unplayable. Anyone else agree?
  7. Duping is gone, the game no longer is zombie apoc on easy mode once you get a decent gun and ammo, zombies in towns seem to be a tad more dangerous now(or is it just me?). This game is now truly about survival and team work. Discuss!
  8. Torothin

    I feel sorry for the hackers

    Even with a vehicle you cannot make it from Zelo to NWAF in under 5 minutes. Let alone, me not hearing it or him going to my EXACT position in a pine tree while I had a ghillie suite on. I'm calling BS here.
  9. Torothin

    I feel sorry for the hackers

    How is going from zelo to NWAF in under 5 minutes not hacking?
  10. Here I am overlooking NWAF and all of a sudden my buddy gets ganked by a dude in zelo he says the guy had a very heavy northern boston accent talked smack then shot him in the back. 2 minutes later the same thing happens to me in NWAF. I feel sorry for you and everyone else. I hope it makes you feel good ruining this game for people that try and play legit. You even have the nerve to smack talk. When I get older I want to be like you....
  11. Torothin

    To the US244 Hacker

    OP, I'm with you. The funniest part is that these people get off by ganking people who play this game legit and think they are awesome for doing it. it's said really. These people have no life and don't even know how to play the game.
  12. Torothin

    NW Airfield...

    Don't go there until you are geared up, have established a camp, and can live off the land. You also need to be aware of what's there. Both the NWAF and SS are death traps and if you are not familiar with the terrain you will be killed. You can be pretty stealthy and sneak up on the southern or northern barracks through the tree line but it is still a death trap. I recommend you hit as many deer stands as possible instead. NWAF have way too much hype.
  13. Well 3 weeks ago people used to ask if you were friendly or not before shooting. These days that doesn't seem to be the case.
  14. Looting Stary Sober tents always get me a rush because there is almost always a hostile encounter.
  15. After having a nuke dropped on me and then being teleported on and shot in the back in 1 day. I can honestly say that the most fun to be had is starting up and getting the gear you need to be able to live off the land. What about you? Discuss!