The title is pretty self explanatory. Forgive me if this has been brought up before; I searched and found no results. Anyways, I realized it would be pretty neat to use weapon attachments without actually needing the weapon for them to function. This idea sort-of works now with bayonets, despite the fact one can't actually use them on a weapon yet. What I mean is being able to, say, put a pistol flashlight in your hands and use it as a flashlight. Or put an ACOG sight in your hands and use it as a functional monoscopic sight a la binoculars (like a spyglass), but with the magnifications of the individual sights and maybe a narrowed field of view as there's one eye being used, not two. Perhaps in the future, should under-barrel grenade launchers ever be implemented, they could also be used without needing to be attached to a weapon.