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Everything posted by threedogification

  1. threedogification

    Add a river to the map

    In most games, there are at least one or two large rivers running through the map. I say that the devs take a month or two and add in a large river running north to south, coming out maybe next to balota. We could use this river to catch food, hydrate ourselves, and we could use it as a guide to the north. Maybe we could navigate it later when boats are implimented
  2. threedogification

    New renderer questions.

    Ok, so I've seen a lot of posts about people asking about the new renderer so I thought I would add some questions. 1. Does anyone even know what the new renderer will look like? 2. Will the new renderer change the look of the game? 3. Will it look more realistic? (Such as cryengine) 4. Will it be better optimised, like the Arma 3 engine?
  3. threedogification

    Weapon repairing

    And let's say you found a mosin with all parts but the barrel ruined. You take the barrel and craft a new weapon out of it
  4. threedogification

    do cars need fuel?

    Drive them for 10 minutes while holding shift and see if you need fuel
  5. threedogification


    Along with a wood recurve bow, I would like a manufactured or crafted quiver, maybe from: Rope and burlap sack Guts and burlap sack Rope and leather Guts and leather.
  6. On our role play server, we had a camp set up at green mountain with 8 men with me included. We were all doing our own business when the spotter on the tower sees someone in the woods. The gardener grabs his ak, and our leader, yuri, started setting up the machine gun. Soon, within five minutes, we were under siege by about five different bandits, probably in a clan. Under our noses during the conflict, someone snuck in through the back and captured on of our men. They walked him into the conflict area with a gun to his head. We stopped shooting, and tried to negotiate. In a turn of events, they used him as a shield and walked up to our gate. I was in the tower, with my mosin. I trained my sights on the bandit's head and fired. As soon as the bandit dropped, they shot my friend and killed him. Our sniper in gillie snuck up behind their lines and shot two of them with a silenced ak. At that time, a truce was called and we took the other two bandits hostile. We were holding them hostage, and most of our other guys logged off. About an hour later, we were invaded by another bandit offensive, but it was only two really good bandits. They came in and held us up. Right before my death, I pulled my cr75 and shot one of them multiple times then was put down with a bullet to the head. I sat for a good 30 minutes at the "you are dead" screen as I heard the bandits , now four of them, cut up my dead body and feed it raw to yuri. Dayz is a bitch of a great game . Rest in peace those who died in the battle: Rocko Benson John Anders Yuri Koreonkov Harold Jenkins And the multiple unnamed bandits killed in the First Battle of Green Mountain.
  7. threedogification

    New renderer questions.

    Thank you for adding those! I am really surprised at BI for that engine. But why does Dayz still look and run like it does? If they can make a really beautiful renderer like that or the arma 3 one, why can't they hurry up and make one for dayz?
  8. threedogification

    "Industrial Facility" test site

    I like and dislike this idea. I can understand where games like Arma 3 would have some kind of test mode because the military actually gets to test their stuff on ranges. In a survival sim, not knowing how to use something is half of the fun of the survival. If you've never seen a grenade before irl, then how would you know what to do if you got it? It's simple pull and throw, but the char isn't trained in using anything military unless the player knows how. As a return from my tangent, in dayz, the ruthless survival that this game is, everything can easily kill you. So if you mess up with a grenade, that's your fault, now you're dead.
  9. threedogification

    Making the Gas Lamp portable

    +1, this is a great idea
  10. threedogification

    Dead players

    Not gonna happen, not gonna ever happen. The players are immune to the disease even in death, which is why they weren't zeds in the first place.
  11. threedogification

    Bow & Arrow - Minor amends that are seriously needed.

    For me, the bow is a good side arm if you put it in your backpack. I was in a pinch being chased by a bandit and my blaze was out of ammo so I pulled my bow and drew it and pointed at the door. He ran into the room unsuspecting and got an arrow to the chest. He died instantly.
  12. threedogification

    Toxic air

    In an apocalypse where God knows what went on, there would be areas unexplorable without some sort of air filter. As per the previous posts of gas mask usage, I further bring up a newish idea. There's should be some kind of toxic cloud that settled in some areas and can be blown away only to resettle somewhere else. This cloud would require at the least one of those white dust filters to navigate, but your character would still get hurt from prolonged exposure. A gas mask could be used for complete protection. Air inside of buildings would still be breathable if the doors are shut, and survivors could seek refuge until it passes. Your char could have a stat message such as "it's hard to breathe" and then "my lungs burn". Feel free to criticize or shoot me down, it's just a cool idea I had.
  13. threedogification

    Rethinking the itemspawn and health state.

    Troll_Hunter, that's truly a good idea, but for the last part, you do realize dean left a few days ago.
  14. threedogification

    Weight System

    As with what you said, I totally agree because this game want made as a gear and kill deathmatch, it's a survival game. By adding this weight system, we could limit all players in what they can carry so that KOS won't nearly be as much about gear acquisition.
  15. threedogification


    Even after all of this time, I don't see why the devs haven't thought about adding surgery I to the game. This can go as in depth as needed, but most can be simple stuff such as sutures and bandaging. I think that when you go into this kind of repair, you could go into first person and see your char do these kinds of things. I also believe that it would be cool to have some kind of third party surgery. Let's say your friend gets shot in the stomach, with no vital damage on your internals. You lay him down on a bed if you can, elevate his legs, and look at the wound. The bullet is still in there so you grab a rag and press on the wound. There's a squirt as the blood pours out. He's unconcious by know, putting his full trust in you that you will make him better. You jump up and grab your pliers, knife, and a saline bag. You inject the saline bag into his arm, and set it on a shelf. You lift up the bloody rag, and cut the wound more. Your fingers slide into the wound and you feel a small bullet. Any slip up could mean death for your friend. You retract your fingers while grasping the bullet, slowly, ever slowly. The bullet clangs onto the floor as you throw it away. You grab the sewing kit and quickly sew it up. Then, you put his legs down. You've done what you can, and it's all up to his body to survive and wake up. An hour later, still, nothing. Then, after the night, he wakes and is ever happy that you went inside of him to save his life. And then an hour later a bandit shoots him in the back and instantly kills him. TL;DR: dude gets shot, gets surgery, gets shot again.
  16. threedogification

    Hemorrhaging, Tourniquets and Craftable Tourniquets

    Along with all of this, I made a post about surgery that can be added into this thread as a "Medical" thread. They want Dayz to be realistic, but they won't have realistic damage included. A deep cut to the throat can't be bandaged and be fine, you'll die in 15 seconds. My char has been shot though the heart (and he's to blame) with an arrow and I only bandaged and went on my way. Why is that? A heartshot with a pointy stick shouldve killed me? Maybe there should be critical damage areas, places that have irreversible damage like in real life. If you get shot in the elbow with a shotgun, that arm is coming off.
  17. threedogification

    Hemorrhaging, Tourniquets and Craftable Tourniquets

    Wow, a lot of ideas you make a really good, and this is a great addition. Maybe they can go as far as adding clotting when you remove the tourniquet. So If you don't know what you're doing, you screw a lot of things up and can die.
  18. threedogification

    Zombie immunity upon spawning

    I think that after you have loaded in and are ready, you appear when you begin to move
  19. threedogification

    Zombie immunity upon spawning

    Honestly, I like this idea too. I get attacked while logging in all the time, even if I log out outside of a city.
  20. threedogification

    better locked doors

    Along with these ideas, I believe that we should be able to lock doors manually on the inside, like a deadbolt. I'm nearly certain that those doors would have locks because it's house doors. Tell me to my face that you can't go to your front door right now and turn the deadbolt.
  21. threedogification

    Canteen use

    Irl we can strap canteens onto our belt. Why would I waste backpack space when I could put it on my belt? That's why water bottles would be slightly inferior because you can't put it anywhere but a backpack or pocket. We defenitely should be able to externally carry canteens on our belts because it seems like all pants already have belts built in.
  22. threedogification

    some geography/map ideas

    Many suggestions have been made about map enlargement, but I haven't seen many about a large city. If we reference the map of takistan and chernarus, we see that our map right now is only a small chunk of the rest of chernarus. If we look to the far west of chernarus, we see a large Capitol city called Novigrad. It may take a few months, but I say they expand the map to Novigrad so that we can have a large interesting city instead of all of the boring fields and small towns. The game is great as it is, but if they are going expand the map north to the black mountains, they should also expand it west to the plains and south west to Novigrad.
  23. threedogification

    Alternative for heatpack for hermit players

    Great idea, I wish they added more for the hermits out there, like a better crafted bow or a bow that spawned in reclusive farms and houses that was very powerful and accurate.
  24. threedogification

    Jumping Out Windows.

    I like my character so I'll just take your word for this.
  25. threedogification

    Fallout-Style Grab Feature

    +1 good sir! This is a fantastic idea. You could also have it so that any item in your hands could be placed at the crosshair up to 5 feet. Organization of bases could be so much easier, with lots of cans of food in the shelves.