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Everything posted by RIGHTLY


    Server hopping rant

    Me and my friends were at the NWAF just then and we were tracking this guy. He killed one of us, but then we thought we had him cornered when he logged off. Then later the same guy logs in behind us and kills me and my friend. Our sniper couldnt do nothing. It was the biggest bullshit I've ever seen playing DayZ
  2. Post anything funny that happened to you in Day-Z here! Ill start by telling you about one that just recently happened. So me and my two friends were playing and we were all crippled. One of my friends said he knew the way to the Cherno Hospital so we followed him. It took atleast TWO HOURS OF CRAWLING to get from where ever the hell we were to Cherno... We made it... We were at the entrance... The Cripple Club we called ourselves... And we got sniped. The end.
  3. In advance, I'm sorry! I'm probably gonna have a load of people getting pissed at me for doing what I did. So me and my friend are at the North-West Airfield in a night time server, walking a cross to the other side, then suddenly someone starts shooting at us with a sniper rifle. He gets me in the leg first, crippling me and knocking me out. My friend starts screaming "ALT F4! ALT F4!" like a pussy. He gets out of the game, and so do I... Now, you gotta understand. My friend was going to abandon me by leaving the game, and I just found a silenced M4A1 so I didn't want to part with that JUST as I found it. I felt so bad, that I made this thread asking for the Day-Z communities forgiveness. Please? Flame away...

    I Must Confess...

    I lol'ed. I should thank people like you' date=' really. Adds some more excitement to the game. Or if the Karma Sniper shoots me and my team in the head.

    Funny Stories Thread

    oh no dude, it ain't over, you in deep now boy, the only debate left is if I shoot you or run u over in my tractor, Oh Hell, Babbeh. H'wat would Mummeh say if she saw us arguin like 'dis?

    I Must Confess...

    To add on to my recently died post karma got to me and I was sniped. I think I managed to convince my friend not to ALT F4 at the first sign of danger. He's still in the game trying to look for the guy who killed us. Also, if you don't give a shit, don't post.

    I Must Confess...

    Well I just recently died.

    I Must Confess...

    I know. I mean, I wasn't even bleeding out or anything. He could have come down to loot us, and I could have woken up and shot the shit out of him. I'm feeling really stupid right now, and I'm not alt F4ing again.

    I Must Confess...

    Saw that coming.

    I Must Confess...

    Funny you should say that, because it was.

    I Must Confess...

    Well I just got it, and the fact that my friend Alt F4'ed pressured me. Thanks for understanding, though. Forgiveness is too much to ask for in situations like these. =P

    I Must Confess...

    Well, lucky there's plenty of space.

    Vaulting animation Day Z could use

    I support this. It doesn't make sense to be running from zombies, or being shot at by someone, then have a fence in front of you, and having to go around it because if you try to step over it you will get hit numerous times by zombies, or shot and killed.

    OMG Elektro destroyed?!!

    either someone was lucky enough to have found satchel charges (correct name?) or just cheated.

    gold guns!!¬

    Probably a hacker. Still, golden gun variants of weapons would be a nice addition. No bonuses, just bragging rights, really.

    Weapon safe mode

    I dont know why these people are so against this idea. I support it. Theres no reason not to.

    Suggestion: Slenderman!

    Dudes easter eggs are not supposed to make sense. I would shit my pants if I saw the Slender Man looking at me.
  18. When your passed out the screen should go black, since you cant see whats going on when your passed out.
  19. Agreed because I have no reason to say otherwise.

    Are there bigger plans for DayZ

    ote='Esoteric' pid='265783' dateline='1341653590'] If they have the resources, Day Z could be unimaginably good. Picture perfect working zombies, every building being enterable, possibly player/clan created structures and no hackers! Mmmm. Aw yeah.

    Debug Forest, How I Hate You

    I spawned there once without losing anything. I ran towards the road down at the bottom left of the map. I found two tents. One of which had a SAW and two clips for it, and a hole lot of other supplys. Good times.

    Hacker on NZ8

    So a couple of hours ago some weird stuff happened to me and my friend on this server. The first weird thing that happened was me changing clothes to something impossible to get in the game. I was suddenly wearing a pink beret and camo clothing. I freaked out and disconnected. I went into the same server again and started looking for my friend, who later said that he saw... Wait for it... A flying house... I didnt actually see the house and it might have been a bug but considering I changed clothes earlier we knew a hacker must have been screwing around, but out of curiosity and perhaps some laughs we still stay in the server. Then we finally find each other in Elektro, just close to the Hospital, when we heard a plane fly over Elektro. I could swear I heard bombs being dropped or something so we log out. We had some good laughs, though. Wish we were recording.

    Hacker on NZ8

    Lol I was thinking it looked pretty gay lol