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Everything posted by RIGHTLY


    Hacker on NZ8

    lol it went away when I logged back in. Probably for the best or I might have been accused for hacking.

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Now thats some scary shit!

    Auditory hallucinations

    Ive heard things that wernt there before while playing. Once I even thought I saw someone stalking me. I stopped and said in direct "I know your there! I dont like to be followed!" but no one said anything or came out. It wasnt even the game doing it, it was my imagination playing up on me. Jesus this game is going to make people crazy.

    More stats on the Debug Monitor

    Did you purposely put the temperature that low? Because its a much more realistic temperature. If everyone was 42 C they would be either dead or having spasms on the ground. Not much surviving would be going on lol.

    Dumbest ways you've lost a vehicle

    I found a red car just outside Guglovo. I had to log out though so I went further into the trees and logged out next to it. The next day I log back into the same server thinking "ah I bet someone took it" but I logged in, and to my surprise, its still there next to me! It had hardly any fuel in it though, so I started to drive to Novy Sobor. Eventually the car runs out of fuel about half way so I continue on foot to find some jerry cans. I looted a barn and found TWO jerry cans! I couldnt believe my luck. I followed the road until I eventually found it again on the side of the road. Some other player was checking it out. I told him that the car was mine and to back away from it. He ran off, and just as I was about to start refueling it... SESSION LOST. The. Server. Fucking. Restarted. After. All. That. Then about an hour later I die to a bug. Good times...

    Barbwire Fix (short and sweet)

    or it can just be removed.
  7. Threads that try to add a shitty game mechanic to help survivors and hurt bandits.

    On a average how quick do you find a gun?

    Well once I spawned in Cherno and got a whole heap of meds, a Makarov, An Enfield, a Czech Backpack, two water bottles and a whole heap of food and drink. I think I got lucky on that looting run.
  9. Cherno in ANZ1 (an Australian server with Side Chat still activated) has been COMPLETELY fenced off. I dont mean the buildings I mean there is just a whole heap of barbed wire fences going all the way around Cherno. There is just so much barbed wire fences that you cannot possibly get so much without cheating. As we all know toolboxes are rare so I had to join another server, get out of Cherno and rejoin. ANZ1 needs to have a reset, I think.

    Fencing all of Cherno and Electro

    The barbed wire needs to be removed. Zombies can move through them but player cant. Sand bags and tank traps should stay in the game though since you can jump over them.
  11. My name is RIGHTLY and I approve this suggestion.

    3D models to contribute

    This must be added!

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    I would rather it be removed. I mean zombies can move through it and players cant get over it. Sandbags are better. You can jump over them and Im pretty sure zombies cant get past them.
  14. Stop fucking whining, dude. Just yesterday me and my friend were killed by a sniper at Stary Sobor. We had just looted the NW Airfield. I got a M16A2 and he got a M4A3 CCO. We were pissed, but we didnt make another shitty thread on the fourm, because we knew we should have been more careful. Moral of the story: Always scout out an area before looting it and be more careful.

    You know what's amusing?

    Once I was in a barn with nothing but a crowbar and some chick comes up behind me and just looks. I yell "friendly" into the mic and start following her. Acouple seconds later she goes prone and I start whacking the shit out of her. I think I broke something because she didnt try to run, she just crouched in the spot trying to shoot me as I used hit and run tactics. I won. Yay.

    "Off Hand slot"

    IMPLEMENT IT NAO! Seriously, this is good.
  17. I want them to be walking dead. It would suit Day-Z more, IMO. I dont know how I just think the walking dead that can only die from a headshot would be awesome.

    New Zombie Textures

    Man this is needed.
  19. My friend almost pressed it when we were playing the other day. Defiantly needs a confirm option. Maybe the respawn button can say suicide instead.
  20. It will make it slightly easier to go into a town and loot it, because if you agro one zombie with no weapons... Well your almost always screwed.

    Things DAYZ Desparately needs

    I lol'ed.


    Where dafuq is everyone getting the stupid alien weapons and zombies in space bullshit from? He suggested meteor showers, a rare, but REAL event.
  23. I dont see why not. Not really anything else to be said.