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About TxSnipper

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. TxSnipper

    Way too much hackers

    I agree on this point, as I run with many normally and we cover areas pretty well when in a group and cross fire often on single or multiple targets are initiated thru synchronized fire using teamspeak, to reduce the number of "sounding off shots" . now that said, I know there are people using some hacks, we all seen the list of people banned grow, and have experienced some " less than desirable" kills unto me . the only advantage with running your own server, is the logs.. and Rcon, otherwise hard to prove anything unless admins are on the server you are in question.
  2. TxSnipper

    Favorite route?

    makes notes, and will get other banditos notified to set up ambushes along those tracks.... :P
  3. TxSnipper

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Hear Hear! Passes His beans away.
  4. TxSnipper

    One minute sniper compilation

    at 1:08 you have a pick axe on your back... you must be playing mod not stand alone right ?
  5. TxSnipper

    Walking F2

    stand, press right mouse button once, walk .. you will slow walk...
  6. AHAHAH...... don't go its a Trap Jim!
  7. TxSnipper

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    of course you wanted to be the " this is an alpha.." of course I know its an alpha, just when last nigh I was killing zombies with fire axe with a single blow and now take 7-9 hits, sorry...its not the same...
  8. TxSnipper

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    I concur, Main Fire Axe, Pristine, 7 to 9 hits to kill a zombie, aggro'ed 6 more zombies during that time, from blood lust I guess.. lost everything, tried again goit a mile in , bleeding could not be stopped because 4 zombies that I noticed could keep up with me at full dead man running.. the game is turning into infestation and if it is please let me know Ill request my money back and pay those developer 5$ for their game instead. Fix the game, pick a speed/strength for the zombies, and stop messing with the zombies already geeezus. I think fast and easy to kill or slow and hard, either way, developers need to pick or mix them up or whatever, I am not against ewither choice, just one day they are easy the next they are the hulks.. and that is just plain showing of lack of testing and reporting by EVERYONE. if the zombies were not acting this way on the dev/test server then the patch broke it . Sincerely unhappy... and learned one lesson... pay money for final games after reviewing it online ... don't expect any additional cash from this player for a long time.. sorry but I am tired of working hard at figuring out a game that is always changing for the worst over night.