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About Hypno85

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hypno85

    DayZ Ultimate loot find !

    Which server were you on? Any chance it was UK 11?
  2. Hypno85

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    Quickly chucked this togeather my photoshop skills arent great! Front: http://www.imagebam....deec1f202600706 Back: http://www.imagebam....b57417202600696
  3. Hypno85

    [Video] 3rd person rage

    How would you filter out the 3rd person server though? Or have I missed something?
  4. This hotfix is fantastic rocket, Seems to have resolved the zombie aggro from distance. I can now walk crouch and not get spotted unless the zed is very close. Like that the hatchet and torch sit on the toolbelt saves some much space in pack etc... Had a really good round once I died thanks to, two heavy armed survivors theres me with a axe and they lit me up oh well, my next life has been awesome! Only problem I ran into is after joining a server the graphics seem very low and then graphic artifact appeared but this only once and seem to be when looking a factory sort of building near electro.
  5. I was all for having less at the start...so you have to avoid the zeds but with new system you can't move without angering them. I know crawling but even that gets you spotted as well. I crawled across a field got inside a building and was walking crouched inside got a knife and axe. Then I hear aggro zeds coming for me. So I get to the roof and look out 12 zeds running for the building, they come up the ladders I just jumped off I had no chance. I spawned again got a chased by 5 zombie tried the running through a building didn't work so laid down and took it. Before the patch I had a my player 3 days with 1 bandit kill and 5 zombies as I dodged them most of the time. I don't mean to sound like I'm moaning as I loved the mod before this patch...I like the damage zombies give now make its a bad move just to go shooting them and the new zombie monkey movement is fantastic, but the aggro and predator vision is ridiculous I was fine when you could crouch walk past them 200 meters away from them and when really close go behind them so not in eye line or crawl. I'll be prone in a field waiting for next version I think. Hope you can even things up a little Rocket and quick I want to play the mod but like this it no fun for me any more.
  6. Cryonic just a slight adjustment to your launch settings. I haven't tested this but adding the -nosplash should stop the splash screen showing up. -beta=Expansion\beta;ca;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@DayZ -nosplash ;ca
  7. No Ok no and yes, Make a player spawn with a pistol but only have maybe 1 mag of ammo. So they cant just go popping everything on site. I think you should spawn with pistol+1 mag, bandage, 1 box of pain killer, 2 can of beans and a water bottle. Make people scanvenge....or only spawn someone with just a pistol+1 mag this might stop spawn killing as 1 mag is not worth it?