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Everything posted by maowcat

  1. maowcat

    The True Story, Of a True Hero.

    Well aren't you a lucky duck, i broke my leg and got a 20 guage to the skull, nice story though i wish i could come across people that friendly, i'd play with that guy any day, and you considering you probably could have killed him and didn't.
  2. maowcat

    Thread in defense of banditry

    I shot a guy in the back today (he had a backpack, bike helmet and a wrench), but i only had one round in the chamber and gave him the benefit of the doubt, i was then bum raped by a zombie that sneaked up on me and almost killed me because the game glitched out and wouldn't let me equip my axe instantly. 15 seconds later as i'm hiding in a field the same guy comes running straight towards me with a zombie on his heels, after he passes me i get up, whip out my axe and slay the zombie, me and the guy gave each other a 5 second stare down then ran separate ways. Honestly i won't waste my time trying to kill a player that is clearly freshly spawned, it's a waste of time, it's like beating on a child, your always going to win and you gain nothing from it. Banditry is totally justifiable as the game is very tough and resources are scarce enough as it is, but some people are just down right psychopaths and kill for nothing as i almost did, KOS is for cowards IMO, if your killing every player you meet i'd never want you in my clan and wouldn't trust you if i knew. I've actually encountered more friendly people than hostile people in the game, but i tend to just go my separate way as i don't play enough since it's still pretty buggy and the mouse controls blow.