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Everything posted by Staniolaa

  1. Staniolaa

    thanks to you that ruined this game

    Lets just go back to basics here. 1) you have 2 posts, 1 of which is jibberish. 2) you knowingly bought and played this game knowing it was in alpha, you have a disclaimer TELLING you things WILL go horribly wrong. I don't honestly understand why you think you have a right to complain.
  2. Staniolaa

    Digestive System?

    I logged into some random server before and I swear my guy actually said "I need to take a shit" was slightly taken aback.
  3. Staniolaa

    [Recipe] Steamed Stuffed Peppers

    Your comment made me chuckle, therefore have my beans. But on a more serious side think into it, as Dayz progresses and we find bases, factions and alliances being made we'll need people like the OP. A good cook holds a good relation to his group, A well fed group will defend their cook. Smart move if you ask me.
  4. I know alot of people are saying wait around for abit so a more features can be added and you'd overall be getting a better package. But in all honesty I'd seriously recommend it, I never really had a go with the original mod so Now it's come to SA I thought i'd support it and even at this early stage I'm having immense amounts of fun, even when random bandits run at me with axes and steal my flashlight haha.
  5. Staniolaa

    How to deceive people in DayZ.

    Haha, This is Hilarious man, Awesome vid :P