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About arykai

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    On the Coast

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  1. arykai

    Video Making Advice?

    Since I've never done anything like this I appreciate you letting me know there's a way to achieve this without hacking. I'll have to look into the DayZ Mod lists to see what I can use. I had hoped to capture in SA. I may just have to deal with not being able to get certain camera angles. Thank you.
  2. arykai

    Video Making Advice?

    TL;DR 1) Any way to get aerial camera angles for camera work in DayZ Mod or DayZ Standalone? 2) Is there any way to host a DayZ Standalone server on my PC for private use with friends? !!!WARNING!!! The following is my original post and contains high levels of stupidity. Read only if you want rage. Lessons learned include: A ) Being sure to explain myself thoroughly B ) Getting straight to the point and C ) Making sure to cure myself of the Stupid Noob Debuff that has a negative ∞ effect on posts on forums. Original Post. Hello fellow survivors! My name is Arykai and I have an idea for a short video series for a story in DayZ Standalone. Though I need some help. I'd just like to know if it's possible to host a DayZ Standalone server on my computer to use as an acting set with my friends. Also if there's some mod/hack that would permit me to fly and get better camera angles. I understand that hacks and cheats aren't acceptable in the game, but they do exist. I intend on using them to achieve my creative goals and uninstall them when I play the game for fun. After all, nothing ruins the survivability like flying around. Hosting my own server would keep player files separate from public servers too so no worries about farming gear then going on a rampage. I've never attempted something like this before so any help would be greatly appreciated. If there's an even better way to accomplish this idea please let me know. (potential name of potential series)