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About krix

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    On the Coast
  1. Are you seeking a battle buddy or perhaps just a fresh start ? Are you a hardened veteran just looking for a challege ? Well look no further! Deadly LandZ is here to provide! With staff that is full of veteran DayZ players and heavily experienced admins/mods we guarantee you that you are going to have a very fun and enjoyable stay on our server! We are trying to build a whole new community of friendly and helpful players! Come and join the experience while we climb to the top!!! Server website: http://1stbrigadegamers.com Server IP: TS3: ts.1stbrigadegamers.com:9989 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A legion of friendly Admins/ModsCustom Anti-hackIntellegent AI missions/Roaming AIAI helicopter patrolsAnimated crash sitesCare packagesCustom map editCustom AI base - Zone AlphaSelf Blood BagVehicle Tow/Lift Auto Refueling/Repair (Fuel is free)Safe Zone Traders30m plot poleSnap BuildingHeli evac24/7 Day (for now)Plenty of vehicles scattered around the mapDeploy bike (toolbox)Third personIndestructible cinderCustom debug monitorAdmin eventsStarter gearPrivate TS roomsDonor loadoutsBuilder packs
  2. Thank you for moving the thread! player kicked for instance_11_chernarus that's the error that shows up on the server. Have to wait for the person who can access the server files to come on and then it will be sent. Appreciate the help!
  3. Hey guys I'm new here! I am so sorry to bother you guys with this but I just don't know what to do anymore we've been trying anything and we can't solve this problem and I decided to come here as my last option since u guys don't deal with this stuff most of the time I guess ? If anyone knows anything how to fix it it would be greatly appreciated! Just finished setting up a new Dayz Epoch server on a VPN dedicated server and all of the new players that are trying to join it are getting kicked for this: Instance_11_Chernarus It has something to do with the mission files right ? I have no idea how to fix it. It only displays this message