The Application of Cloud In-game name: Cloud Age: 20 Location and Time Zone: GMT+0 (BST) How long have you played ArmA?: I have not played ArmA unfortunately. How long have you played DayZ?: I bought DayZ SA the day after it was released and have been in and off until now. What skills do you possess that may help the group?: I would like to say I am a great marksman and my directions and co ordinations are excellent, I bring a friendly and positive vibe and have great communication skills. Do you have the time to spend with the group (minimum 2 days a week): I will be online from the latest 6pm GMT untill midnight through out the working days and will play all day on the weekends. Is there anything interesting about you?: not really interesting however you should enjoy your time while I'm playing :) Anything you want us to know?: I hope you are the community I am looking for, I also play league of legends.