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Everything posted by Dr.Burd

  1. Dr.Burd

    Thread in defense of banditry

    I'm always up in the north, usually I take my time to get to some place directly north of where I want to go before I run straight downwards to where I want to go and find a way in. Also, binocs work when crouching for me, don't know what you mean. Also, I can't snipe, lol. I'm too used to TF2 hitscan sniper rifle, and Q3A railgun. I've never been able to snipe outside of 400 meters and below, even on mod.
  2. Dr.Burd

    Post Your Gear So Far

    They're on regular, now.
  3. Dr.Burd

    Thread in defense of banditry

    Never said I didn't like PvP, said I didn't like meaningless PvP. Oh, and I do enjoy PvP when it happens, but if I find out it's meaningless, it loses all appeal for me. Besides, I have about 8 people I play with in total, and there are 5 I play with nearly daily. (1 lives in spain, other 2 live in the UK.) And the only thing I may have said about any RL stuff is that you're a COD kiddy, and that isn't much. I am being rather mature. If you mean about what Scruffy said, then I had no part in that. I've never spoken to him. Binoculars are in. I don't need to come anywhere near your crosshairs. If I'm willing to roll in a forest surrounding a wide open field for an hour and a half to get to a camping sniper sniping people on the way to NWAF, I have enough patience to completely avoid you anyways, as I do almost everyone I meet in the game, It's why I am a medic. Oh, and.... PvP =/= KoS
  4. Dr.Burd

    Thread in defense of banditry

    Fixed that for you. Also, just proved the stereotype of most murderers being cod kiddies. Congratulations, your group must be proud of you. I've also played all of the games you have mentioned, still doesn't mean that I murder people for fun. Quake, Quake 2, Quake III Arena, Quake 4, most UT games, BF3-4, all of the COD since COD 1, DOOM, DOOM 3, Wolfenstein, Medal Of Honor, Counter-Strike + Source, TC GR, SCCT+BL, and OP-FLASH. I too have played lots of PVP games, doesn't immediately give me an excuse to be an asshole, so what is your excuse? Note - I remember MP on DOOM but I'm not sure.
  5. Dr.Burd

    The rarest sh*t I ever found

    The only thing I've never found is an assault vest. Not a UK assault vest, just an assault vest. It's an actual vest, not a bundle of straps and pouches. Other than that, though, I've found everything.
  6. Dr.Burd

    Thread in defense of banditry

    KOSers aren't bandits, they're murderers, simple as that. Arrogant, stupid, ignorant, malicious, and downright awful to be around. I like to think of a few types of players in DayZ, that have existed for as long as anybody has been playing on this mod, as it is human nature. First, we have the Heroes. They are friendly, armed, and cautious. You do not want to tangle with them very often. A subcategory to hero is carebears, but only because they are friendly. Carebears are just fools who believe that everything should cater to them, which is wrong. All they say is: "omg why u shoot me i was just walking in the NWAF..." to which the reply is: "Nobody is friendly in NWAF." Second, we have bandits. No, not the modern definition. The old definition. They rob you, send you on your way, but they have a set of rules they adhere to, just like heroes, but the rules are far more loose. Nobody likes them, but they are required in DayZ, or there would be no thrill. The modern DayZ definition is false. Third, we have the murderers, second to worst type of player in DayZ. They just shoot everything, like a game of COD. They give no quarter, and they take no prisoners. Why, you might ask? They are sad individuals, they fail to grasp the true meaning of DayZ, and as are dust in the wind. They don't deserve DayZ, and DayZ doesn't deserve them. DayZ never asked for them. They are unacceptable, and I hope by the time standalone has gotten stable enough to be played without bugs, that they are all hunted and brutally killed. I have some good examples of why I hate this type of player. Lets see, one time I was hunting a bandit just out of NWAF on the way to NEAF and he found and held somebody up. I at the time was in full TTSKOs and had a mosin, but very little ammo, as when I got to NWAF after my trip to Balota, everything had been looted. Anyways, I decided I would use my pistol and I ended up emptying 3-4 revolver rounds into the back of him, as I didn't want his M4, nor any of his inferior gear. The guy with lower tier gear thanked me and headed off after I started telling him to leave. The bandit heard the gunshot and tried to unload a round into the guy before he died, but he missed. He asked me: "Did I atleast hit him before I died?" I said no. He just sighed and said to me: "Oh, okay. Well, if you die later, see you at the coast." So sincere. I eventually said "Yeah, see you." with a bit of a chuckle in my voice. Here's where the difference between bandits and murderers comes in. I was strolling to NEAF on a regular server, before I even thought of joining hardcore servers, and I found a few guys there. I originally went there because a friend had told me that a guy was shooting up NEAF and he was just camping the ATCT. I went up there and eventually found him, the server was a high pop and there were just TONS of bodies around the hangers and ATCT. I had an M4 at the time, and I had seen him before coming in the the airfield. He had an M4 as well, but I started to sneak up on him and used the silent advantage of rolling to get into the ATCT, I walked up the stairs as slow as I could without making any noise, and I waited. After about 10-15 minutes he walked down the stairs and I was watching them, so I unloaded 20 something rounds out of a 60 round magazine into his chest and head. I killed him and went to go see his body and he must have known about the 'press esc to see when you're dead' trick because he called me a gasmask faggot motherfucker in a foreign accent after I had gone to check his body.... or maybe he saw me. A bandit is a good sport, he holds up, only kills when he needs to, while a murderer just kills on impulse, for tha lulz, and then cries when he dies. Now, onto the next type of player. Betrayers. They're basically smarter murderers. Now, they put some thrill into DayZ. They don't kill on impulse, they're smart about it. They will become your friend for a month, then empty a couple into your head while you're not looking the next day, and laugh at you. These guys NEED to stay in DayZ. There is nothing more thrilling about paranoia. Sure they're dissapointing, low people, but still... where would DayZ be without them? lol. We need an equal balance of archetypes, but not dumb, cod kiddy murderers, they need to leave.
  7. Dr.Burd

    Lone Medic

    Hello, chaps. My name is Burd, Dr.Burd, PhD I am a lone medic, as most of the time when I group with people, I die, since I kind of let my guard down during groupings. Starting tomorrow, I will be taking requests to find, and heal players. I am aware of the medic group, I just don't like joining groups anymore. I will now tell you how to file a request to have me find you, and heal you. Note that I am usually carrying very little, not even a backpack most times, and maybe a pistol to deter bandits shooting at me. I will run away from people, or avoid them outright unless they are unconscious or in need of help, then I will approach cautiously. Here is how you ask me: Name - Gear - Wounds + Severity - Group? - You tell me your location and server in steam. Now, you wait for a reply from me, please, do not post any more requests until I confirm that I've seen, found, and healed the last person to post. When I reply, I will give you my steam, and then I will defriend you after I have healed you, and say my goodbyes. Here is an example: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey, could you come help me? I've been shot during my looting of balota." Name - Bob Gear - tac shirt, cargo pants, baseball bat. Wounds + Severity - Unconscious, fractured bones. Server + Location = Tell you over steam. Group? - If I had a bloody group, why would I need your help? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ............. ...................... .................................. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I've seen your request, contact me on steam. User - Scyanity Avatar - Happy Owl. I'll be there in about an hour, as I am in a place far north. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ........ ........... ................... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Player found, healed. New requests may be filed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- See? It's not so hard. I'll be ready to accept requests tomorrow, though I'm not really enthusiastic about getting any requests, as I'm sure people would rather use the medic group, than trust me. It's better than just randomly healing people, though... bloody KOSers, lel. NOTE - I only heal people In dayz sa.
  8. I just avoid people entirely, I'm more of a medic who doesn't like medic clans. Don't like KOSers too much, as usually, unless they're in your way, there's usually no reason to kill somebody, and since I'll watch all around me for about a minute before I move, I don't get spotted first often, and I just avoid if I can. Maybe kill if both see eachother at the same time. indoors and I'm surprised.
  9. That's unfair, not everybody is a wriggly worm. Don't be so mean. :(
  10. Dr.Burd

    Soooo about Hardcore

    Maybe we play together for a little while some day. BTW, he didn't get me down, I just don't want to argue at 5 AM. I can't sleep. Edit - Just came back after going to do something, forum is being spammer'd.
  11. Dr.Burd

    Soooo about Hardcore

    I know what you were talking about, I am just very interested in biology as of recent, and I guess I just got excited talking about it. I'm terribly sorry. Just ignore my posts, I'll leave now.
  12. Dr.Burd

    Any friendlies in standalone...?

    I have been betrayed, never trust any player for long after that, except for people I've met outside the game. Biggest recent betrayal was about 2 months ago, was playing and was camping in balota airfield with a mosin, heard gunshots and hid in a bush. Eventually, I saw a guy axeing a zombie to death, and there was a zombie not 200 metres away from me, so I decided to scare him into the prison building after making sure nobody else was with him. Shot at the zombie, as expected, he ran alllll the way into the prison building. Held him up, said "Put your axe, SKS, and pistol on the floor, empty them, and go into the corner and put your hands up", came in with magnum drawn and then made him drop his bag. Said he was surprised I was too calm to have only done this once, and I hearkened back to dayz of old, then I gave him his stuff back after taking his 2 SKS 10 round mags. (Was rather calm, though, oddly enough, then when I realized what I did, my heart jumped out of my chest.) He got me over skype, and about 2 days later, I met his friend. We were running to north west and we stopped in Vybor for water and food. His friend was sorting his inventory, and his friend didn't know the original guy's plan. He upgraded to an M4 about now, so I was taking his friends canteen to hold for him, and while I was distracted, he took out his m4 and blew my brains out. I had just gotten back to anything dayz related, and I guess I was just less cautious than usual. I wasn't too mad or anything. Just kind of dissapointed. I never get mad in dayz, just dissapointed cause I think some people are better sometimes, but I'm always wrong, makes me sad. Since then, took out epoch strategy of completely bypassing everybody, even in heavy 40 pops with minimal encounters. I'm friendly, but only If I see you first. Exception being that you're a patient. And If I do see you first and you're not a patient, I avoid you. The guy defriended me on steam and skype after he shot me. Think his name was MrPeePoo or something stupid. Don't trust him if you meet him.
  13. Dr.Burd

    Soooo about Hardcore

    I never said I preferred regular, and I said nothing about balance at all, so please do not put words into my mouth. P Just forget what I said, I don't want to start a debate, not with anybody here, I'm a medic, not a debater. I will answer your question about the senses. I was studying eyes in biology, and the eye is a very special thing. Made to detect movement very easily, this means eye movement as well. Some people say they feel they're being watched, that is because something is usually watching them and they've skimmed over the viewer with their eyes. Eye is specially made to detect other eyes. Anyways, I will post nothing else, already argumentatives in this topic and still entering, and nobody can win an internet debate or arguement, no matter what they say, best to just prevent it at all costs. Also, why are you so hopped up? Am I making you angry somehow? Please point out how, so I may not do it again.
  14. One to stop them, one to drop them, and one between the eyes to confirm the kill. M4 bullet is small, but painful, that is what it is meant for, to maim, and kill, guns are not humane. M4 bullet will enter the body, go through bones, bounce around, break more bones. The pain is amplified by number of shots, as so. One to stop One to drop One to confirm the kill. The human body can be stabbed more than 73 times and keep going, do you think an adrenilin pumped human being will stop after 1 shot to the lung? No, human will have to be shot more. One bullet will stop, one will drop, one will kill. One bullet through the lung will incapacitate after less than 5 minutes, and will stop them, another will kick away the adrenilin and drop them, and while they are in pain, one between the eyes will finish them. Bullets are small, bolts are big. Bolt will not move. Bullet bounces, breaks bones, doesn't kill instantly. One bolt stops, and drops, and 90% chance the kill will be confirmed by the time the human hits the ground.
  15. Dr.Burd

    Soooo about Hardcore

    Calm down there, friend. It's different because you have no peripheral vision, and most of your additional seeking senses don't work, sounds are also currently messed up, so you can't find a person based on sound very well. It's like viewing it through inverted fisheye vision, it's like looking through a square window, where in real life, you can see almost completely sideways as long as you're paying attention. You can be looking completely forward, and still see some stuff on your side, but in the game, you have only very limited vision. It kills your situational awareness, as well. As for additional seeing senses, you have a sense that detects eyes looking at you, some games are designed to adhere to this, but people in dayz have 'dead eyes', so this doesn't work. Also, since players in dayz, don't move as much as a real person would in real life, you don't see as well. I also noticed that it's easier to see people in dayz mod than it is in SA... I feel the dayz sa graphics are unfinished.
  16. Dr.Burd

    Lone Medic

    I also edit my posts a lot, just be sure to take a second look every once and awhile. Something wrong with my head as of recent, more spelling mistakes, not normal.
  17. Dr.Burd

    Lone Medic

    Bleh, no. Medics need to be self sufficient, or they are less nervously vigilant and think they are safe in numbers, which is the wrong way to think. Thanks for the reccomendation, though. Bean'd. Besides, I don't care whether or not I really die. I don't like to heavily arm unless playing for myself, and that's not the case. So I might be armed with maybe an SKS and brighter clothes for medic-ing my way around cherno, maybe not even that, possibly a pistol. I'll switch the things to discussion on steam later. Also, in my case, better to run alone, since I'm better at avoiding people while I'm alone, and I know all the lone routes into cherno, etc. (Switched the thingies.) (Maybe also need to make new avatar in photoshop, desaturized, looks like 3rd reich soldier, when it's actually a doctor playing with his gloves in a desaturated (no blood) environment with the red cross on his shoulder. Only looks like 3rd reich soldier from far away.)
  18. Dr.Burd

    Soooo about Hardcore

    I always thought hardcore was really cool, but I have too much adrenilin, so whenever I lose sight of somebody in hardcore, I end up feeling like I just snorted 30 lines and am still conscious for the overdose. It's why I stick to regular. I yell sometimes when surprised.