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Everything posted by Dr.Burd

  1. Dr.Burd

    KoS;er gets what he deserves.. NOTHING!

    I was playing on a hardcore server and arrived in elektro. Some guy was running along the train tracks just like me, he had no weapon, I had a wrench, could have knocked him out as he went by. So we both go into the police station to look for stuff, he found a bat in there, he tried to hit me once he saw me. I didn't try to beat him as he went in, but I followed him in and ignored him just to look around, and to leave him alone. So what does he do? Runs out with the bat, tries to hit me, I run outside into the street, he follows. I eventually smash his face in with the wrench and knock him out before continually smashing his head with the wrench. After he fell down, I said: "Told you I was friendly, you shouldn't have done that, you piece of shit." "Would've been all well if you hadn't tried to kill me, stupid cunt." Why does it take a good face bashing to get people to smarten the fuck up? KOSer gets a weapon, decides to immeadiately try to kill me even though I've done nothing to him. I only have one thing to say to you, Mr.KOSFag.
  2. In this case, all sorts of gun features should be implemented, like manual round ejection, that takes multiple tries, or your gun explodes when you fail to do it right.
  3. Dr.Burd

    throwing weapons? do you want them

    Effective, non-buggy, and non-exploitative throwing system within ARMA 3 engine? JESUS CHRIST, HOW HORRIFYING.
  4. Dr.Burd

    Whenever you use the realism card for DayZ...

    Am I the only one who thinks it's strange that you can do this in real life but not in DayZ? Rocket, get your shit together and make DayZ more realistic. Christ.
  5. Dr.Burd

    Faster way to get military geared up?

    Figure out where you have spawned, move to bigger city, loot unfavorable buildings as a way to not attract unwanted attention. Find SKS, good clothes, good chest item, find protector cases, and find ammo. You're now good to go for running in and out of an airfield. Continue fast 10 minute loot runs in and out til you got best gear. Of course, this is assuming you are alone, and playing in a 40 pop. I know how to get all the good gear, but I usually only wear a black UK vest, black clothes, red radar cap, and respirator. I'm a medic.
  6. No, and they probably never will until the game is either completed, or they have implemented more powerful lights, and nightvision to make it more favorable to play on night servers. That, or until they add in GPS and building mechanics to make it safer to just mark places in the night, and travel back home after looting by marking the house with GPS. This will not happen until these things happen because majority of the player base is either alone, or playing with friends on and off, and in night servers, if you're alone at night with a light, you're screwed, as others with their gamma up will be able to effectively see you from a mile away.
  7. I'm going to guess you don't survive well. Got to admit I almost died on the character on my last post, though. I was in the firehouse and there was a zombie, so I took out my axe on the stairs leading up and I glitched off the stairs and broke my legs, then the zombie started beating me. Ruined my goddamn pants, and pistol I had at the time. Good thing I had found morphine in the NWAF firehouse, and had a ready supply of bandages.
  8. I had a character for 2 months before a fateful betrayal after meeting some people at an airfield. Was playing, and had everything on a 40 man regular (just bought standalone at the time), I had been playing for two months, my kit was exactly Camo mosin, compensator pristine, LRS pristine, bipod pristine, FNX45, pristine red dot, pristine flashlight, and green fireaxe for weapons. For wears I had full TTSKOs, aviators, green motorcycle helmet, brown combat boots, and brown gloves. All pristine. For gadgets: Black headtorch, compass, and can opener. Forget what else I had, but all except headtorch were pristine. (damaged) For carrying and food I had 2 med kits, 2 ammo boxes, 2 protector cases, a hunting backpack I kept them in, And a ton of food + water. In the first medkit, I carried only bandages, the other one I carried only saline. In the first ammo box I kept only 357, and in the second one I kept only 7.62. In the protector cases I carried only food. These were all pristine or worn. So, I had amazing gear and had been playing for almost the full 2 months. I decided I would run around balota to loot for a better headtorch, and maybe some more food when I heard M4 gunshots, I hid in a bush just outside of the prison building on the most west side of the airfield. A guy with an M4 was smacking zombies with his axe, he was coming from the hanger and just smacked a zombie to death. I figured I could freak him out by killing the zombie beside the prison house he was going for, and get him to run scared into the prison building. He came up close to the zombie, and I opened fire on it. It died before he got close to it, so he freaked and ran into the prison house. So I used the third person thing to observe him and tell him to drop his guns. He had an M4, a fireaxe, unpainted, and an m1911 or a revolver. Can't remember. I told him to back against the wall, and he did. I emptied his weapons and checked his backpack as well, took all his ammo, but let him keep his mags, as I always do with hold ups. I put my weapons away and I told him it was safe to come grab his weapons. He seemed like minded enough, so I said to add me on steam which is just a very bad idea. I had not played DayZ in a very long time, though, and had not had very many encounters on that character, oddly enough. The next day he introduced me to his friend, and I kept a good eye on them at nearly all times. We headed to NW airfield and stopped in vybor for food/water. It was early in the morning, and I wasn't thinking. One of them was innocent. I was helping the innocent sort his inventory and his friend, the guy I held up in the first place, emptied 2 into the side of my head. Sucks.
  9. Dr.Burd

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    My girlfriend doesn't like me dripping my whispering sweat onto her. Is talking sweat abnormal? Mow the lawn in 5.8 minutes? What is this lawns for ants!? Paint your house in 5.8 minutes? I'm not The Flash.
  10. Dr.Burd

    What would you KoS?

    I avoid everyone, so I clicked other, because the only time I do KOS, it's for one of two reasons: 1.) We see eachother at the same time and I open fire first, surprised. 2.) I witness a complete asshole murder and voluntarily shoot a man for it.
  11. I'll just opt in to the experimental to play with you, I'll do it now.
  12. My sister plays like me. Intelligent until the adrenalin kicks in, then we rush in and die. I'll tell my sister you thought that story was good. Edit - Maybe we play together sometime. PM you my steam page.
  13. Dr.Burd

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    Multiplayer game, isn't your game, stick that label onto singleplayer games.
  14. It's a hack, I have seen it. I was once playing in a regular server, and I was in Balota, I was looking around for guys, and I heard somebody spawn in, so before I spotted anybody, I started getting shot at, guy ruined all my stuff, but I was alive. He was coming around the corner of one of the barracks, as I was in between the two that were together, and was bleeding heavily, but I knew what he was doing, and took out my magnum and emptied a few rounds into his neck and head, he died. Now, when I checked his body, I was sure it was just a glitch, but what confirmed it was that after checking his pulse and finding out his name, there was a guy that came out of nowhere directly behind me, I shot him with my magnum, killed him, and I checked his pulse. He had the same name as the guy I had just killed... Then it happened again and the guy got lucky and knocked me out, that told me he was a hacker. It's pretty lame, I know, but this is DayZ. He had a mag on his that was a 60 round, but it had infinite ammo... You know when you try to cheat in too much gold in Skyrim and it gives you some hellish conglomeration of numbers? That.
  15. My sister was playing on my account the other day and she told me a story: She looted Balota on a hardcore and had gone to the tents, she figured that she should go around and look around, her immediate instinct was to look at the 2 story tent. She was right. So she saw a guy in the 2 story tent, this was her first encounter of the day, so obviously she filled with adrenalin. She was ALL the way across the tent area, she started doing the point to point run to cover points, and eventually she got to the truck just behind the 2 story tent, she figured the guy was a bandit because he was watching only the road with a mosin, and she had heard shots going off earlier, so she emptied 2 rounds into his head once he had turned away, and she killed him, but she was so pumped that she ran straight in to loot and got shot down by the guy's friend, who was camping inside the underside of the 2 story tent, she still managed to empty an entire 40 round mag around and into the guy before she was killed, and the guy was swearing at her when she fell unconscious, so she assumed he had died as well. I thought it was an interesting story.
  16. Simply restart steam, that usually works for me, it's a very simple problem. It happens if you've started/closed dayz too many times in the same steam instance. :thumbsup:
  17. Dr.Burd

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    Clearly you've never held somebody up in cherno. I was playing once, held up a guy in cherno, he wasn't talking to me, but he did put his hands up and go and type, I told him to get on the ground, and drop his backpack. I let him keep all his M4 magazines, but I took all the ammo. (Was trying true bandit.) He continued to kneel with his hands behind his head, and I continued to talk to him, I had everything I wanted now. So I was about to tell him to leave when he got up, started doing the side to side dance, stopped for at least a second and half, and disappeared. I honestly think it depends on your connection. I've had friends that have logged off in the woods with me, instantly disappear when they've pressed exit. There's still nothing justifying combat logging except for being a complete cowardly asshat. So, I'll say it once more: Get over it, or get out. Go play the game without shrinking out as soon as you see somebody with more stuff than you running through cherno. Instead of pissing yourself, leaving, then crying like a bitch on your bed, how about you do one of two things: 1.) See what he has, if he hasn't a combat helmet, run up behind him in first person, and bash his head in with a baseball bat or an axe, or your fists. 2.) Just avoid him and sneak around. I once spawned in on the shoreline just beside Berezino, I had heard there was a bandit shooting new-spawns over in Solnichniy, so I went over and checked it out, and I found nothing, so I assumed he moved on to maybe Elektro as upon moving along, I had found nothing in Kamyshovo. So after finding a sporter in one of the buildings, and a monkey wrench, I left for Elektro, as I needed ammo before heading to Balota. Sure as shit enough there was a guy in Elektro shooting all the scrubs who were running in the streets, giving no quarter. He had an M4. So what did I do? I waited until he got near, and ran at him with my wrench, as I was too adrenalin pumped to think of anything else smarter at the time and I bashed his head in, took his m4, and emptied the current magazine on his m4 into his head. He learned something and I learned something: He learned that he should choose performance over looks and should stop wearing a boonie. I learned that serpentine is really effective in close quarters, as people tend to panic. (Never really had been desperate enough to kill somebody who was armed and pointing at me with melee before) So what did I get out of it? Decked M4, full TTSKOs, ruined boonie hat, respirator, 3 60 round mags, and a PILE of ammo, as well as tons of food and water. I also got 2 protector cases, 2 ammo boxes, a magnum, and 2 med kits. Hmm.... you might say that *GASP* Not pussying out... is a lot more rewarding!? Who knew.
  18. Dr.Burd

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    Did a test to confirm 500 seconds on stable. Joined a server, immediately quit, left to another server (both were regular.) 300 seconds. I wasn't even in the server for 5 seconds before I left, and I got a 5 minute cooldown before I could get back into the game, so I don't know what the HELL you are talking about when you got an 8 minute. The only reason to rant about this, is if you're an avid server hopper, or have really bad internet, and I'm talking HORRIBLE internet. Find a server and stick to it, and if you don't want to be kicked by server admins abusing the rules, join an official server. /thread. But wait, there's more! This is directed towards Blaze. That's why you clear the hills first, and that's also why you don't run around without a care in the world in elektro, even if the server only has 5 players in it. It's been happening since the mod. Now, I'm not telling you to get over it or get out, but do you think maybe you should just stick to one server, and die a lot? I mean to learn from experience rather than rare occurrences on various low pops? Get over it, or get out. Combat logging is just a dick move, to get YOU out of YOUR OWN mistakes, so don't you be swearing at anybody. It's a situation that YOU got into out of YOUR OWN carelessness, so take it like a man, you spineless coward. Honestly, there needs to be some sort of temp-ban mechanism for this. Maybe when the servers become better, if they detect that you are in combat, and you logged, you get banned until a certain hour of the day, or the next day. Or they could put in one where it gets worse and worse, until you eventually hit a day.
  19. I was going to make a post. Then Waterfox crashed and I am not going to retype 12 paragraphs. It was pretty much: "H1Z1? Is the lore going to be about mutated H1N1? *Vomits* I swear to god 3AP2W needs to die." "No need to worry about DayZ, DayZ can take care of itself, because DayZ is DayZ, and DayZ takes your beans." Continue to whine at eachother's whining. :D
  20. Dr.Burd

    just killed someone and the server crashes

    That ain't banditry.
  21. Dr.Burd

    Thread in defense of banditry

    Why are we even arguing about this anymore? As soon as the bandit/hero system is implemented from the mod, anybody with bandit skins/gear/labels is going to get brutally KOS'd by everyone that isn't a bandit.
  22. Dr.Burd

    Thread in defense of banditry

    Everybody here is a big stupd poo hed mcbuttpoop (And then the topic was closed.... lol.) Still, though. Bandit =/= KoS