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Everything posted by Dr.Burd

  1. Dr.Burd

    Semi-immersive Let's Play

    Seems fine.
  2. Dr.Burd

    Semi-immersive Let's Play

    I'm a roleplayer, may I join you? Also, might consider lowering the rendering resolution to get a better FPS. Maybe 75%?
  3. I will give no quarter, combat logger. Have at you! (srslythoihateu)
  4. Dr.Burd

    Pen and paper

    On topic, I don't really know. Would love to read it all provided I find your corpse.
  5. Dr.Burd

    Your most frustrating moments.

    So this wasn't frustrating for me, but probably for the bandits I was with. So I wanted to see how it would feel to betray as I was betrayed. I wanted to infiltrate a bandit group. I was shootin bambis along the coast on a 40 pop from the hills of berezino, eventually saw a pair of bandits who also came to shoot bambis. snuck up on em, but one of them saw me first, got me to put my hands up, asked me if all the bodies were because of me, said yes. Joined their group having the idea that the agreement was temporary. We were heading to NWAF and stopped in vybor again to get food and water. They were eating and drinking, I was supposed to watch. Had the feeling they were going to shoot me whilst I ate. So one of them, a squeaker said to me and his friend: "I hope they implement vehicles soon, I hate running." I turned around, as I was watching outside the window and they had their backs turned to me. In the most epic voice I could muster (It came out sounding like I was about to have a nervousplosion) I said: "No legs, no problem." Then I blew the kids legs and lower torso off with my M4, and shot his friend in the head. They both fell. Checked the pulse of the one guy, he was dead, checked the pulse of the one I shot in the legs, he was alive, so I finished him off. I had my microphone toggled this whole time so I was laughing really hard while looting their corpses. Couple of guys must have heard me because they came in with shotguns and blew my face off. I then respawned on the shore, still laughing. Ha. I call this one: The Punisher. I should've caught it on video, it will never happen to me again, not in a million years.
  6. Dr.Burd

    Your most frustrating moments.

    Get that cold by being frozen. Become cold enough to freeze other people.
  7. Dr.Burd

    What headset do i buy and why?

    Tiamats suck, Kraken is the best set I've ever used. I have turtle beaches sitting in my closet.
  8. Dr.Burd

    Your most frustrating moments.

    Doesn't matter to me anymore, that was a month ago. It at least helped me remember why I play alone, and why people are temporary around me. I have another story that's sort of like this one, but more in my favor, will edit it in soon.
  9. Dr.Burd

    What headset do i buy and why?

    I use Razer Krakens. Good durability, only 100 bucks, has surround sound app, has USB microphone that registers clearly, and is very stylish whilst being very good to use.
  10. Dr.Burd

    Your most frustrating moments.

    So I started playing DayZ SA for awhile and I had just moved from Epoch after about 2 months of downtime for me. I was in Balota, fully geared, TTSKOs, 2 medkits (one filled with bandages, other filled with blood bags and IVs.), 2 ammo boxes (45ACP + 7.62x51.), 2 protector cases (Food and shit.), a mosin, a revolver...?, aviators, boonie hat, and gas mask. Heard SKS (keep mixing M4 and SKS up for some reason.) fire, decided to hide in a bush near the westernmost part of the airfield, near the prison building. After waiting for a good 10-15 minutes, guy pops out near the hangers, axing zombies, He's running to hit one just beside the prison building, I want to hold him up real bad, so I shoot the zombie before he can axe it. He runs into the prison building and I run to the door. I tell him to put his weapons down and he does. Drops SKS, pistol, and fireaxe. I tell him to go into the corner under the stairs, he does it. I walk in with my magnum to him and empty his weapons, tell him he can have them back. I have to go, so we both leave, go into tree and log out. Next day, he brings friend. Seems like nice guy, so we take trip to NW, stop in vybor for food and water. Friend says he's having trouble with his inventory, drops his waterbottle on the floor. I go to pick it up, and his friend takes out his M4 and blows my brains out. Defriends me off skype and steam aswell. I wasn't mad, wasn't sad, just very disappointed. Nothing worse than feeling disappointed. Usually means the person didn't live up to your standards and you thought better of them. Betrayers are the worst types of players in DayZ, but what can I say? Where would DayZ be without them?
  11. Dr.Burd

    Your most frustrating moments.

    Was playing epoch and had built up a massive base in the woods, the area was remote, and nobody came to check me out... until a while after I was finished, a bunch of guys trucking shit along to their base came across me, decided to try and raid me later on. So I was doing shit in my hard worked on base, and had basically finished it when I hear a few cars. 3 cars came by and 4 guys came out, I wasn't shooting yet but they never tried talking to me. ( i was kinda new and had really only encountered a few people, as I was sneaking supplies along to the forests and stuff, getting in and out really fast.) I wasn't really watching, but I heard them drive away after awhile, I went to go check and they were really far away from me. Then I died after I heard an explosion. Bye bye, base. I have plenty of SA stories, but this is an epoch story. Maybe I'll come back after more people post and tell my betrayal story.
  12. Dr.Burd

    Concerned about the Sawn Off

    Shotgun in DayZ at the moment is horseshit. Nobody is living through a 20 foot away shotgun blast to the back without a lot of chest'n'back body armor. 12 gauge buckshot will put a hole in you + several tiny holes around that hole. A 12 gauge blast to the chest with body armor on will throw you into some serious shock and will knock you unconscious from 10 feet away. Now the situation you shot that guy in, that's horseshit right there. You wouldn't have had a face, a front torso, most of your pelvis, or most of your frontal skin. Your nose would be gone, so would all other facial features, pellets would have traveled into and through your eye sockets if he had gone for spreadshot, and not direct. IF he had gone for direct, you would just have half a ruler's worth of hole wide and most of a ruler deep hole through your chest. Either way, you die. They need to buff the shotgun considerably. Anything with that kind of upfront power is of no use after 30 feet, but anywhere below that, there's nearly a guaranteed kill if you know what you're doing, and even if you don't there's a considerable chance the person who has been shot is dead. I'd post pictures of 12 gauge wounds, but I'm afraid it's inappropriate..
  13. Dr.Burd

    Sporter/Blaze/Shotgun attachments?

    Zeroing is ideal for 200-300 and above. So yes.
  14. Dr.Burd

    Sporter/Blaze/Shotgun attachments?

    Not really, I don't usually fire out of 100 metres. On a scope, you're zoomed in and only need to be aiming a little ahead, but with iron sights, you'd actually be aiming ahead quite a bit. Damn near impossible to hit a sprinting target above 300. 200-300 metres, usually just a straight shot, try to take time between shots as you will start to get spread.
  15. I was only laughing at the price you told and the fact that you thought QQers would suddenly evaporate just because of these features, they'll always find something else to whine about. Anyways, I have DayZ legit, and DayZ pirated to play on modded servers. (though I play modded less just because I like to have fun on regular game.) Just go do that if you're sad about not being able to play modded. Oh, and before the admins get on me about the pirated and say I have no proof of having the actual game: http://steamcommunity.com/id/lelburd Go look at recently played. I've given my support.
  16. Dr.Burd

    Sporter/Blaze/Shotgun attachments?

    Yeah, go do that... leedle. Sawn off shotty ain't that bad, still great for building clearing. Would be awful for blaze, though, considering the accuracy would be halved, and currently, blaze is an all round rifle as it can hit targets just out of 300 meters.
  17. Dr.Burd

    Sporter/Blaze/Shotgun attachments?

    Blaze 95 is badass. IRL it would be able to equip LRS, different types of barrels, stock pouch. There is much room for this type of thing, and it will probably be implemented. But for now, we get the badass rifle/shotgun hybrid, that doesn't really need attachments because it's basically the best weapon evar for people who don't like Mosin/M4. For now, get the rifle, paint it black, get 3 snaploaders, and go bandit hunting. Shotgun can have things like stock pouch as well, and it will probably be implemented, but I'm cemented that they will simply implement many different types of ammo for shotgun. Bird shot, 410 , 28 gauge, 20 gauge, and 12 gauge. Probably several types of UK ammo as well.
  18. Dr.Burd

    And now I starve.

    YOU FOOL, WHY WOULD YOU POST THAT LINK HERE!? NOW KOS ASSHATS WILL USE THAT TO FIND PEOPLE. The ones who don't use reddit, anyways. They know about that now. AND YOU, IRISH. I don't really have anything to say. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR6KjNmN2BA
  19. Dr.Burd

    Bring 100 player servers back

    They'll probably return... or not. Wait to see what they dish out, don't demand it. You can't have your cake and eat it.
  20. Dr.Burd


    All M4 scopes currently fit on the crossbow. The backup sights and the carryhandle optics work as well. All the scopes except for the m68 are currently broken, though. They fire straight up in the air, or the trajectory fails. Sometime's it's even backfired on me, and knocked me unconscious/killed me. Basically, if you use it when it doesn't want you to use it, it will tell you in a rather harsh way.
  21. "No more complaining. No more "Mr. Kimble, I have to go the bathroom". Nothing!" Game'll get finished when it wants to, for now, no more complaining, no more whining. Feel free to shove it and add some real ideas to the bloody mix. ^ in case you wanted video.
  22. Dr.Burd

    KoSer's Karma

    I just want them to implement body carrying, so I can carry more people to the base I will build eventually when that feature is implemented. I'm playing on a 40 pop where the KOSers are either stupid or too nice. I find at least 10 unconscious people daily just walking around cherno, elektro, and NWAF. One time, I was wandering through elektro, when suddenly I heard high pitch screaming. Oddly enough, nobody else had heard this. I was walking around for 20 minutes looking for this screaming guy lying unconscious on the ground outside elektro hospital. I asked him why he was screaming he said: "I'm trying to be so annoying that people will think they can shut me up by reviving me." Then I left, and went on TS, and told a few of my friends, and then we-