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Everything posted by Dr.Burd

  1. Dr.Burd

    The ability to relax ...

  2. Dr.Burd

    Chernarus really needs a river.

    Guba, but I don't think that exists in the SA. Think it was replaced with svetlojarsk. I don't know if pobeda dam, or any of the other landmarks went, because I haven't traveled that far in standalone.
  3. Might join you, if the server is good. PM me with your details, and the server details.
  4. Was just one, I was being shot at before he killed me, and I was watching for quite awhile, and he was the only one I found crawling around. I'd also like to note, I do AI missions near perfectly every time, so I know how to kill AI. Something was unnatural about the way that AI took rounds to the neck, face, and chest. Also, if you feel like playing now, I might be up for it. (Note - Put in more vehicles, it's very hard to find any. I don't care for the condition.) PM me your steam.
  5. Dr.Burd

    Drinking water from sinks.

    Implying that there is still somehow plumbing and working sewer systems, then yeah, maybe a good idea.
  6. Dr.Burd

    Why do you play DayZ?

    I was going to stop playing, but eventually I found out that in certain epoch servers, you could gut other players and eat them. Then I never stopped. Earned the title of Bandit Cannibal Overlord on the server I played on, but I stopped playing on that server, and I try to be neutral now. I can't play bandit. Makes me feel awful.
  7. Emptied 2 makarov mags into an AI while I was peeking around a corner at close range, in which time he failed to shoot at me once. He lived, I ran into a building, he shoots me through wall when I very well know he can't shoot me from any angle but from in front of me. AI's op'd, would do again, 10/10 To be serious though, server sucks.
  8. Short answer - No. Long answer - Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
  9. Dr.Burd

    wall glitchers caught on twitch last night

    Looking through the walls is very hard to do in the mod, as it has been fought against for awhile. It's not an intended feature, and is and exploit. An exploit not meant to be used, and will probably be fixed in the future. Not an intended part of the game, hence, it is a glitch. And so far, I've seen only douche bags use it.
  10. Can't currently cure chemical sickness with charcoal tabs. Anything below chemical/severe sickness is curable via charcoal tabs. Go vomit for awhile, then eat a lot of food.
  11. Dr.Burd


  12. Dr.Burd

    Friendly ?

    It's just you. Mountain backpack, baseball bat, rifle of some kind (SKS, Mosin, or Blaze), motorcycle helmet (Can't tell from distance), gloves, black cargo pants, tactical shirt, khaki or olive.
  13. Dr.Burd

    Looking to make serious OverPoch group

    If people do this to you, your time must be really easy to waste, and therefore, not worth much. Good day, sir.
  14. Dr.Burd

    Why we Should Compare SA to the MOD

    I have been lied to.
  15. Dr.Burd

    Why we Should Compare SA to the MOD

    Is there no patience for a finished product? They should have kept this thing a secret, so they could develop it more before releasing it to the whining, and stupid masses. The reason people do not like to compare ALPHA to the nearly fully complete MOD is just that: One is a nearly finished product, the other is an alpha that most of the community annoyed the devs into giving them early access. They should've just kept it a secret, and finished it. As an answer to the question, they will probably stay with the original roots, and add even more onto the original DayZ, as they now have an upgraded engine. I hope.
  16. Dr.Burd

    My dayZ experience so far

    All these freshie posts are starting to remind me of all the dayz noob strips.
  17. Go play DayZ mod if you want bannable rules, for now, there's no real way to enforce rules effectively in the standalone. Also... "I'm not into being shot by a bandit in a "speak before u shoot" server" Welcome to DayZ.
  18. Dr.Burd

    My first made video of Day Z lol... help me out :D

    Why even post this? The only thing you're doing is drawing more people who hate KOSers to you like moths to a flame. Have fun with the massive war that's going to happen in this topic. BTW, play the mod, and see how long you last with the KOS mentality.
  19. Dr.Burd


    So yesterday, I bought ARMA 2 CO for $25 on Steam. I started DayZ commander up after starting each game up once, and I tried to play DayZ Mod and I could, no issues. Next I went onto Epoch, and tried to play that. Ran smooth as a mofo, but when I went into my pause screen, I got [ANTI-HACK] displayed at the top of the pause screen, and all my shit was freaking out, then my game crashed, and I went to sleep. Now hopefully, when I log back in, I am not banned. Please note that I do not use any hacks, so I am oblivious to how this could of happened. I am going to log back in and see if I am banned... I will post back with results.
  20. Dr.Burd

    Put plants/grass on clothing/weapon for camo

    It'll probably happen. Just you wait. I like the idea, so you may have my beans.
  21. Dr.Burd


    1.) Depends on how you travel. I like to crawl to places, I almost never have to eat, and I'm very hard to spot. Sprinting everywhere makes you hungrier/thirstier. 2.) Move boom farther away from face + earcuffs.