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About Lordbafford

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Baltimore, MD
  1. Lordbafford

    My luck in Dayz

    LOL sounds FX made that great, sorry for your luck though
  2. Lordbafford

    I managed to trick myself *facepalm*

    Some times when i am in a town looting buildings i hear foots steps, and freeze and draw my weapon caustionly looking around, and it is just someone in my house walking past my room, Stupid hardwood floors lol
  3. Lordbafford

    Dayz in five words or less

    I Can't Open My Beans!
  4. you know you play DayZ too much When you try this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnGzMCnQigU
  5. Lordbafford

    Birds are indicating players. Truth or lie?

    I agree, i am always running through the woods and when i hear these things i look all around, but also even if they did have meaning it could just be your character scaring the birds away and not always someone else.
  6. Lordbafford

    Hacker Justice

    I think the terminology is wrong, since it's a game bug it is Exploiting not Cheating since you arent' modifiying the Code in any way. I never use that kind of stuff myself, just trying to clarify for people the correct terms. It's till cheap but to each his own.
  7. With how many posts you have i am sure it is not
  8. If you leave the game running and just siting on character screen steam will keep logging that you are playing as the game is still running.
  9. Lordbafford

    Startup screen.

    I used most of these suggestions in the link a while ago and haven't had any weird sound issue.
  10. Lordbafford

    Startup screen.

    None of that should affect sound, try changing the sound settings maybe
  11. Lordbafford

    Startup screen.

    Sure thing, i had a lot of issues at first and then used some of those tweeking guides to fix jumpiness and such.
  12. Lordbafford

    Startup screen.

    That was the screen i thought i had mind blurry and it was just a video thing this may help too http://www.dayztv.com/standalone/dayz-performance-guide-crash-fix/ Your in-game play graphics are also the same as that start screen.
  13. Lordbafford

    Startup screen.

    If you hit escape can you see the menu, if so go in and click on video and it will fix the issue
  14. Lordbafford

    How are animals going to work?

    If a Zombie kills an animal, can we have Zombie animals? that would be great.
  15. Lordbafford

    Logged in, stuff's gone

    I don't believe character resets happen. I have had this happen before but i think it was becasue i joined a hardcore server and hardcore and normal servers have different characters i believe.