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Posts posted by 99ytrewq911

  1. I was on the tallest building in Cherno with endgame gear, TTSKO, full attachments. Desync'ed and got teleported one foot outside of the top of the build and fell to my death...My squad-mates heard me yell NONONONONONO! It was kind-of funny actually.

  2. It definitely affects you


    Normal clothes/jackets:   not much

    Helmets and Vests:   YES



    If you have a badly damaged khaki/matching camo vest, and you find a pristine black vest...take the black vest.

    Even though it would be more visible, it has a much higher change of saving your live. It'll take 1-2 more M4 bullets than the badly damaged one.


    Same goes for helmets...but the UN helmet is a bit too shiny for me xD.



    I found this on the forums here. A test log by iIIustrrious https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XJfMMTDSN65BJNnMWGh2ZFACv6H_WD1shH5np9ne8vY/edit?pli=1#

  3. I just bought DayZ two days ago and I've been gearing up on some low pop server (fuck you, haters!) and I'm doing quite well so far. However, I don't understand some things and the wiki isn't helping me that much, either.


    So, here are some questions:

    1. Why can some clothes be torn into rags and other can't? Obviously there are some exceptions (e.g. jeans), but some still don't make sense.
    2. As a follow-up to the first question, can anybody provide me with a list of clothes that can be torn into rags?
    3. What's the purpose of the Weapon Cleaning Kit?
    4. What are the best melee weapons?
    5. Which areas should I avoid if I don't want to get killed quickly?
    6. Does using a wooden splint and a morphine auto injector yield the same effects?

    I'll probably have some more tomorrow (or should I say later today, because it's almost 1:30 a.m. right now :P), but those are all I can remember for now.

    1 Not sure, I guess the devs havn't had time.

    2 Hoodies tshirts check shirts( I think)

    3 If you have a worn cleaning kit and a Damaged or badly damaged weapon, it will set it to worn. If you have a pristine cleaning kit apperently it will make the weapon pristine. BUG: using worn cleaning kit on pristine weap downgrades it.

    4 Fire Axe used to be one hit kill, Splitting axe and garden hoe were two hit kills. As of now there is a placeholder for damage but the axe is still best.

    5 The Airfields, Large towns,ect. Military bases are dangerous but in my travels tend to have fewer people.  http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplu Theres a map.

       EDIT: Don't expect to not find people at the airport on something like a 4 player server. This happened to my squad and I twice.

    6 Havn't tested this.


    Also play with a friend. Its much more fun.

    • Like 1

  4. What my squad does it that we take our OWN blood when we are in a safe place and in healthy condition ( Energized and Hydrated). Then we wait for the 3 blood/sec regen. After about 15 minutes we have full blood and a blood bag of our own blood for emergency. No testing required...although bloodbags and IVs( fairly common if you are lucky to find a medkit).



    So I really don't have a problem with the system.

  5. All my friends complain that most their gear and weapons actually become ruined after just a few zombie punches and it happens often.




    I want to see someone punch/zombie slap a pistol inside of a bulletproof vest until it breaks in real life.


    Good ahead..try! It'll be fun! It should break in only three punches max! :) Don't worry about a broken hand.

  6. Almost all dayz players have multithreaded processors ( assuming you can't play with a single core pentium 900). With this in mind I think we should put them in use at this early stage of the game.


    Multithreading in beta or release would be like taking down a whole apartment building to install a better pipe system.


    I'm no coder yet but those are my guesses.

  7. Instead of figuring out how to render the grass...


    Why don't we render the player in such a way where he has parts of him "invisible" as if they were camouflaged or behind foliage. It would look pretty funky though...

  8. Maybe remove most antialaising/anisotropic filters from grass that is far away and make it more of a solid texture? Not making it sway in the distance either would help.

                                           ^spell fail

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  9. I only have one hour to play with my friends because of time zone issues,


    First server...reboots. 8 minutes.

    Second server...night time....8 more minutes

    Third server, squad mate lags and joins wrong one....8 more minutes

    Fourth Server is normal.



    That just snatched away more than 40% of gameplay ( more than 40% because time to load textures and stuff ect)

    • Like 1

  10. I KOSed last night because I saw a guy run into a building in miliary-like gear. I had no idea whether this guy was armed, friendly, or had friends around. We shot him as soon as he walked out for the sake of self defense and getting loot...although he got away anyway from logging out.
