Hello, I am not sure what you guys are going to be polishing first but I recommend you polish the zombies first. First off is that they spawn too fast. You could be in a battle with 3-4 and then all of a sudden when you are done killing them they spawn back again. I know you added the fast rate to test it out but in most cases it just ruins how realistic it is. Tactics is what people need to us in the game not just having a great gun to kill zombies. If I want to search a certain place in the city I should be able to fire once with a loud gun and make them all chase to me and when I kill them they shouldn't have respawned already. It needs to take a while to respawn so we could be able to go in and out without troubles. Second is that the zombies keep running through walls so often. Its not so great to fight zombies when they just run through a wall like that cool-aid guy xD . In a zombie game the zombies should definetly be the first to be fixed before anything else. It is really hard to fight zombies. Sometimes you could dodge their attacks and you can get hit when they swipe the air and you are not even near them. I am not talking about standing infront of them I am talking about how you could be behind them cause you just dodged an attack and they could still hit you when swiping 1-2 seconds later. I use a fire axe which is one shot kill and I encounter this problem a lot. Another problem is low spawn rate of magazines. I know an army camp out in the woods that my friend showed me and there has never been a magazine found in there but once. Even when changing servers or logging on later it would not be found. I have an m1911 but no magazine for it. When finding a gun the magazine should come with it at least because who keeps their gun empty without a magazine if its not in a show case or something. Vehicles should also be added soon. Although it is not as important as most things it still helps a lot. The map is big and if you want to go to great looting places it could take up to 3 hours depending on who you are with. Having vehicles like a Motor boats, army jeeps, bus's, and helicopters would be a great thing to have in the game. I know that you guys are planning to add them but they are very important because of how big the map is. There also needs to be a lot more guns. There are quite a few added already and I am glad they are there for us to find but there still is a shortage. I am not saying that you need to have like 40 guns. If you have a few of each time that would be great. Maybe just one rocket launcher too to destroy vehicles. Also I forgot to mention one of the most important things! I can jump higher without being hurt than this guy can when he dies -__- I can fall down a 3 foot drop accidentaly or 2 foot and die in game. Please fix this immediately. This is really a big problem. I have been saved by a glitch once from a 2 foot drop that would have killed me ;-; thank you glitch. I am pretty pleased with how well done the game is so far! Keep up the good work and don't keep us waiting too long.