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Everything posted by arthvintage

  1. So, I was in Guba with two more friends playing in a experimental 0.44 update server, there was huge PvP going on. I've died in the middle of the street, and came from Berezino to get my stuff. Got my crossbow and my backpack from my body, while they were in the top of the hospital covering me. Suddenly, we started to hear a very loud alarm, like the ones from the WW2 or something, we runned a lot and layed in some bushes, then, we logged off. Seriously, I swear to God, it was a very loud alarm, scared the sh*t out of us and we found nothing in Google, anyone has any idea of what was it? Was it a normal thing and we are just a bunch of idiots who didn't know it?
  2. arthvintage

    Strange alarm next to Svetlojarsk (Guba)

    Exactly the same siren! So, nice to know that it wasnt a someone trolling us.
  3. arthvintage

    Strange alarm next to Svetlojarsk (Guba)

    Well, probably was a player trolling then... Contragulations to whoever did it, really scared us XD
  4. arthvintage

    Strange alarm next to Svetlojarsk (Guba)

    Neither anyone in Google man... If anyone knows WTF was it, please... EDIT: @leviathanapsu We tought about it, but it was like VERY VERY loud, the sound continued as we leaved the city so, it could be someone following us or something. I prefer to believe in the "wtfwasitbroww3man" theory, haha :)
  5. arthvintage

    Strange alarm next to Svetlojarsk (Guba)

    Assuming we don't know anything about the "big loud alarm", I really can't figure out if you don't believe what I'm saying or if it is a normal thing to happen...