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About Dont_be_mad_bro

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    On the Coast
  1. Dont_be_mad_bro

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    He's absolutely right, he can't do anything about it. As long the server accepts fucking everything that the client sends and checks nothing, hacking will be a huge problem.Ever got beaten while sitting in a bug room and felt safe? You got told that was an invisible Zombie? Well, that could be me knocking you out there... I probable was a mile away punching your copy.... To be honest, thats one of my favorite functions but instant death is also pretty useful, specifically against other hackers. He is also right, that BE bans all these pub hack idiots and pay hack kids every 2-3 days I guess. But BEdev-Sable, you could at least work on a proper anti cheat and try to detect the private hacks.... So how oftengot I BE banned? Well 0 times....I got VAC banned once, cause I did a fucking mistake but how cares... To be honest, it seems VAC detects my hack, they just ain't banning cause they arn't 100% sure that it is a hack....And if they arn't 100% sure, they don't ban. Good for me i guess xD. To stay BE safe, just write your own hack and XOR your sigs... HackerKillCount:328, KilledByHackCount:15 ... A funny thing is that many hackers dont even recognize that the got raped by a better hack :DUndetected since 12.1.2014