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About Horrendus

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  1. Horrendus

    Things I am no longer allowed to do in DayZ

    This really did bring a smile to my face after a horrid week so thank you and I give you my beans. ^.^ :beans:
  2. Horrendus


    Rambo - Lone warrior known to run through major cities lighting up anything that moves with LMG fire. Has been spotted running through Cherno at night waving glowsticks crying out "Come At me Bro!" Bonus points if your the last man standing after firefights.
  3. Horrendus

    Amazing DayZ Video

    This must be the future society of dayz. All disputes will be settled by arena!
  4. Horrendus

    Some banditry thoughts,

    Well said.
  5. Horrendus

    Slender Man in DayZ

    You fool! You can't say candlejack's name or else h-
  6. Indeed, it's all in good sport.
  7. I guess he preferred to break his spine than to get gunned down by bandit scum. :D Plus I even wasted all my ammo/food right before the jump ;) You're never gonna catch me!
  8. Ha! Pretty sure that was me, I was wondering if anyone saw me running around like a mad man. :D Ahh good times, good times.
  9. If you don't like it OP then don't play till the mod is done. End of story.
  10. Horrendus

    DayZ review and thoughts

    Well I've figured the stealth system so far works as 1-level of sound crouch running/walking in high grass any-level of sight as long as you stay out of a zombies 60 degree FOV (Field of view) that is dictated by his body direction. I've found that as long as you pay attention to which direction zombies are looking in you should have a chance to get past them, makes distractions more viable! Prone is now viable but you can no long go right up next to a zombie, but very needed to cross roads. Good job on the stealth system I say, More challenging than before and slight slower pace going through towns which is a needed improvement to help with people being more hesitant to shoot at each other. A lot more people or working with me rather then shooting me on sight. Only got sniped at by someone I never saw today. Also loving the food/water being overall rarer and ammo seems more scattered. Might start making water sources more popular and food is now gold. Amazing work so far Rocket, I can never wait to see what you have in store.
  11. You can crouch run past zombies if you are: 1-level of sound any-level of sight as long as you stay out of a zombies 60 degree FOV (Field of view) that is dictated by his body direction. So far I've found that as long as you pay attention to which direction zombies are looking in you should have little trouble sneaking past them. Prone is now viable but you can no long go right up next to a zombie.
  12. Horrendus

    Seriously what happened Rocket?

    All I gotta say is turned dayz into a walking simulator
  13. I think the idea of super zombies got too deep into Rockets head last night.
  14. Horrendus

    Zombie Children YAY or NAY

    It would be creepy so of course it's a yes.
  15. Horrendus


    Gonna Try it out once I get the update to download, Will edit with results!