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Everything posted by blazed

  1. blazed

    when might it come?

    Forever Alpha.
  2. blazed

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    "Irish, don't worry, everything going to be alright"
  3. blazed

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    Haha I agree ;) I was just posting general posts and making some contribution towards the thread and these guys started picking on me... So yeah they started it! Btw I'm the blue one I kicked his ass.
  4. blazed

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    Only thing that dictates how game mechanics works is BIS, not you, get it into your narrow mind. What on earth are you talking about guy? Explain...
  5. blazed

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    Stop pulling things out of your ass and tell me which of my post contradict each other, not everything is Black & White. Yet another ****crap post that has rage in it. lol.
  6. blazed

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    Np, not everyone can comprehend it, bye.
  7. blazed

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    I know very well who added the time, you dont need to point it out, they also did it more for technical issues rather than server hopping. I have no problem with server hopers and wall glitchers, sorry but the game openly allows it and everyone can do it, it's fair game. I won't shout and rage over things that just part of the game at it's current stage. I'm not going to hold it on anyone's account if they prefer to get geared up easily by spawning in airfields to loot up, I blame the developer for putting all those items in one place and giving them reason to do it. I've given plenty of ideas on the issues and suggestions on how to fix it. The rest of you can carry on raging because you missed a kill! I hope it happens more often, the rage is worth it.
  8. blazed

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    You are a tool, actually the game is not for you, or any other multiplayer game where you think you can dictate someones game play style. Like i said Tool, Troll, Sussed out and utterly garbage posts, you serve no purpose, nice try buddy. Might I add that you being a server admin is no suprise with your dictatorial issues. I bet you get off on this stuff, with an admin like you that server deserves the shitlist. Many ppl don't like KOSers - comes with the game. Many ppl don't like Campers - comes with the game. Many ppl don't like server hoppers - comes with the game. Many people don't kids shouting on mics - comes with the game. Many people don't like getting shot in the leg and bandaged - comes with the game. Many people don't like aggressive bandits - comes with the game. Many people don't like wall view glitch - comes with the game. Only thing that dictates how game mechanics works is BIS, not you, get it into your narrow mind.
  9. blazed

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    Except you haven't corrected me on anything, the way you construct your sentences perceives that your opinion is more worthy than my opinion, and apparently my opinions = me being clueless (so says you) I was just making general posts, with suggestions and ideas about the gameplay. You on the other hand, is picking bits of my posts and sparking an arguement with words such as, This game isn't for you, You shouldn't be on the forums, you have no idea what you're talking about. Who died and made you the King? I think you have a lack of intellectual understanding here buddy...
  10. blazed

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    Oh that snobby behavior wow, I have no idea what I'm talking about do I? and replying to a guy who has no clue makes sense, one would just avoid contact if they felt something was hopeless. You sir are a Genius. Maybe you you should search the definition of trolling up, you are directly replying to my general posts in ways that are trying to spark an arguement. And here I thought you was actually reading my post seeing as you reply to them but you seem to be telling me information that I have already posted on this very thread, thank you for telling me about the despawn timer that I already knew about, however the one I was suggesting was different, didn't you notice? You don't play a game of trolling right, then how about you stop sir?
  11. blazed

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    Anger Management!
  12. blazed

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    Quick and easy fix to loot whoring hoppers = Make Millitary bases loot spawns equal to other buildings, remove the fact that there are some locations that provide shit load of ammunition and guns and suddenly you know what, people won't have to the urge to spawn in Airfields and campers won't camp them all night. (They already stated that once bows and crafting is properly implemented they will make guns and ammunition a lot rarer to balance out the playing field). Quick and Easy way to fix combat loggers = Require a player to sit down (unique pose) and begin a countdown from 60 seconds when you hit 0 you logout and your character instantly disapears, if you suddenly see another player you could hit ESC, stop the countdown, get up and bring out your gun again. Adding 10 minutes of queues outside of technical problems (as stated by the developers) is the wrong way to combat loggers.
  13. blazed

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    I'll repeat this: DayZ is suppose to be about Immersion, Survival, Player Interaction, Fighting off Zombies, there are so many thing BIS wants to add into the game that will leave you trying to survive rather than the plain old Player vs Player. Go ask Rocket what he thinks about this statement, he has mentioned on a few occasions that players have nothing to do except Player Vs Player each other. So he's focusing on survival aspects, I'm guessing what he means by this is that the game didn't work quite as intended (People just PVPing). And Yes I know why the timer is there for techical reason, good, thats its mainly for technical reason's and not because of the ****crap that players like you are moaning about. R.Neville you keep replying to my posts which aren't even directed at you, devil's advocate and trolling much?
  14. blazed

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    In most games Queue times are frustrating and lead to bad reviews, in the dayz the general community ask for "moar queue times"! In most games perma death is a bad idea and frustrating, yet the people of dayZ love it (so do I, not because of the punishment but because of how important gun fights become, the tension). In most games running for hours and wasting time doing boring things is uninspired and time wasting without the fun part, hence why nearly every MMO out there has Mounts to improve traveling experience, Yet in DayZ community loves to run for hours viewing the same landscape over and over again. (funny how all bambi's I meet ingame are actually pissed off about the running, hypocripsy anyone, it's all good when you're killing others tho right?) DayZ community = Take everything from Standard gaming that's proven to work: out, and go in the opposite direction by adding all the things that gaming has involved from and surpassed over the last three decades. Then you have a product like DayZ. DayZ is suppose to be about Immersion, Survival, Player Interaction, Fighting off Zombies, there are so many thing BIS wants to add into the game that will leave you trying to survive rather than the plain old Player vs Player. You players who are so butthurt about Hoppers taking easy loot and not securing a kill, why don't you play a game like CS:GO, or COD, wait there isn't enough death punishment and greifing in those right? Keep creating a game that appeals to only a small amount of gamers and alienate the rest of the potential gamers. Then cry when you don't have enough of a fanbase, developers stop support and hackers run rampart.
  15. blazed

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    First of all maybe you should read all my posts where I have already mentioned that usually I try to punch geared guys and knock them out to take their shit. Secondly I have never had any of my friends or clan members instantly disappearing, I'm pretty sure the 15 second delay was added some patches ago as a counter measure to combat loggers. Thirdly, You are still telling me how to play my ****ing game, guess what as long as I'm not abusing any bugs glitching or hacks I'm playing the game the way it can be played, each to their own, wtf is this dictatorial **** of you gotta play like this because thats what we think is right? Guess what buddy when people can set rules on their servers and I like those rules I'll pick and stick to the rules i like, so will everyone else, maybe there will be servers where all leavers are Perma-Ban, that can be a server for you, won't be for me though. Thumbs up!
  16. blazed

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    Yeah they need to come up with better ways but 2 minutes is rather long, what if you didnt see anyone, or get into any combat, you log out , then a minute later someone walks into the same building as you and kills you? Then all of sudden you're a fresh spawn, screaming omg stupid bugs/glitch/reset etc. Most times when you get shot (and lucky enough to survive) you run for cover or into a building, and then it turns into a long stand off, it takes ages for them to approach you. They might not even approach you at all and go off killing other people in a city or dying etc, they certainly don't want to come to the door where you have the upper hand. You cannot be expected to sit and game for 1 more hour just because you got into a gun fight, and shouldn't need to go all kamikaze too as that's not realistic either. The game needs to cater to both casual gamers and hardcore games, can't expect everyone to have an hour available if they happen to get into a combat all of a sudden.
  17. blazed

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    Yeah I'm ok with being a spineless coward as a bambi vs a sniper rifle. M4 / SKS fights in the middle of city is what I love. Combat logging is nothing like that Image, you have 15 second peroid where you character sits around and can die even once you have left the game. and that last part about an official ban. Never Going to happen, I promise it, goodluck though. The idea so far it's ok to Combat log as long you are willing to sit out for 6 minutes, maybe go take a tea break heh? Man the amount of people butthurt from combat loggers, geez I've had a few combat loggers leave me too and I just laughed it off saying they shat themselves and left the server dude. KOSing doesn't help the game all too much either, makes it a bad COD type of game with excessive amount of running.
  18. blazed

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    You're right dude, Next time I'd come out of the building and bend over and say hey dude, you got me SHOOT ME THE ASS, and I'll just run back here later and try again. I'm done talking to you, my play style in a video game is frowned upon! because I certainly believe some people in a certain situation such a camper griefer kosing bambi's deserves the occasional combat logger. That camper was probably you or you are at least one of them... On a serious note I hate server hoppers too (depending how wrong it is carried out) and I also hate sniping campers, you know the ones who spend hours in the hills and trees waiting for you to pop into sight in a city and blast your head off... but each to their own way of gaming. One last thing, I have befriended and added many friends on DayZ to my Steam account, not once have I come across someone who said "Nah man, I don't server hop and loot on low pops, that just wrong brah". They all know the general idea, I'm pretty sure most people do this.
  19. blazed

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    So much trolling in your posts dude, So i repost what I said in my original post: If you get timed out from a server, or get kicked out from a server or rejoin same server game should have no countdown timer whatsoever. If you press the quit button, close application, or your internet loses connection (cable yanking abuse) then you should have a 500 second delay. However in this current stage of the game they shouldn't be introducing 500 seconds for people to alpha test their game, so many people crying about combat loggers, in my opinion all just a bunch of desperate people who couldn't get a kill crying about it. Notice how I am also agreeing with the penalities for the Server hopers? You're not very smart are you?
  20. blazed

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    Meh poor attempt for a post that solely trying to troll, nice try. Exactly, a lot of the people who are KoSers getting pissed of because they couldn't secure a kill due to a poor combat logger (oh god the guy ran away oh the irony, how bad is that guy, he should be banned) The very people who server hope to get gear to KOS, as most of these Kosers I come across are all funny kitted out guys with everything on them. Mosins with rare Far Sights, etc.
  21. blazed

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    There are times when I try to punch geared players to get gear, and then there are times when you dont come across anyone and so you decide to trek all the way down to the NEAF and get fully kitted out. I joined a low pop server to get geared up and meet up with my friends later, the last thing I wanted is to get sniped without even having a gun and have to trek down the airfield yet again. Here we had a single guy with a sniper rifle on an emtpy server far in the distance between the trees just waiting day in and out for looters to come, shooting at a bambi, how is this guy any better than a combat logger? I didn't want to die without a means to defend myself, on top of not knowing where he was, and forgive me that I didn't want to run all the way back to the airfield and so I log out leaving him looking for me everywhere (which I enjoyed). You can slap a 1 hour timer and I'd still log out in that situation, I didn't use any glitch or bugs, so who the **** are you to tell me how to play my game you little ****. Every MMO game allows you log out in some form or another that will obviously benefit you in the right conditions. People use to disengage combat in WoW and Log out to avoid a boss wipe, as the raiders started to die out.
  22. blazed

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    If you get timed out from a server, or get kicked out from a server or rejoin same server game should have no countdown timer whatsoever. If you press the quit button, close application, or your internet loses connection (cable yanking abuse) then you should have a 500 second delay. However in this current stage of the game they shouldn't be introducing 500 seconds for people to alpha test their game, so many people crying about combat loggers, in my opinion all just a bunch of desperate people who couldn't get a kill crying about it. Sometimes combat logging is completely deserved though, for example I spawned in NEAF, suddenly I hear a sniper shooting at me from the trees, on a server with 1 other person. Obviously a sadisitic camper waiting for looters, how is this guy any better than a combat logger, I combat logged here and let the guy spend his time waiting for me to pop out, lol good... A much better way to fight agaisn't combat loggers is to force a 30 second sitdown peroid during logging off at which point you can still be killed, and if no one has the balls to approach the building you are in within that 30 seconds then you deserve to log out as it's just a stand off. But it seems it's not just the combat logging that is th issue, I think people are getting upset with people who want to loot in low pop servers rather than big pop servers were there is less loot or less gear. Forgive the people for wanting a much less hassle approach to gearing up.
  23. Not sure if this has been already suggested, but a simple search didn't give me any results. Basing on realism you should be able to: Carry players with fractured legs, you have to be unarmed and can only run (no point of carrying if crawl and walk is the same speed) however you should not be able to sprint (double tap w) whilst carrying someone. Also be able to beat someone unconscious and carry them, if you're carrying someone the unconscious timer should increase to allow you more time to run off with the body. Also carry people with BOTH burlap sacks on head & handcuffs, kind of like kidnap thing without requiring them to co-operate in movement, the victim has no way to get out of this until they drop him, hoping that the ability of cancelling out sprinting & arming would avoid long term abuse. If you been carrying the body for over 5mins dropping him should also free him from handcuffs and burlap sack. Push Players. Run up behind someone on a roof/scaffold as a bambi/unarmed, and push a player 1 meter in opposite direction to you, if there is a bar/barrier they tip over and fall anyway. (Unless it's higher than waist) Throw add players to the throwing objects list, if you carrying someone you should be able to run up to a cliff and throw them over it, this will just add to the immersion and story of the game having more unique ways to dispose of your enemies/innocents. + an extra suggestion: Snap Necks, You should be able to kill someone without a melee weapon or a gun, if you can sneak up to a player unnoticed and stand behind him and hold something like "F" down for 2-3 seconds you snap a players neck, could this be overpowered, maybe but you shouldn't let someone sneak up behind you for a 3 whole seconds. or Choke Hold: same as above but does not kill player, just makes them unconscious. Edit: just realised that snap necks and choke holds won't work on normal 3rd person servers as you will always get spotted, would work perfect for hardcore though!
  24. blazed

    Carry, Push and Throw Players.

    Thanks bud! Thats great that means they would have a working system in place, however they should use it to it's potential and allow us carrying in other situations as I suggested above besides just the "unconscious" player. Yeah I see the desynce issues but maybe they can have a verification process, also it can play a sound of bones breaking so the player will know how he died even if he didnt see it, most likely they wouldn't see it coming regardless of desynce or not. The biggest problem with snapping necks is the 3rd person view on servers.
  25. So I'm in NEAF guy comes out of other room we exchange shots, he runs downstairs, i follow pursuit, bottom of staircase I see can see him in 3rd person view behind the staircase, he opens fire and kills me through the staircase itself. I spawn near NEAF find another SKS + ammo, run all the way back, scout the airstrip for 10mins, all quiet, nothing, run back to body, find that the door is closed suspiciously... I get ready for the worse, I open door try to move back behind wall for cover got insta headshotted, he was looking at the door. Out of my anger I uninstalled the game... I tend to do that when I rage with games that piss me off more often than give me joy. I'll reinstall when beta comes out.... darn game.