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Everything posted by blazed

  1. blazed

    Grass Graphics

    Not sure about others computers but when I set object detail level to very LOW other players in the distance turn into very weird glitchy pixels that are very hard to see, almost as a player is not rendering properly, I set Object detail level to MAX and now I see them clear and crisp!
  2. blazed

    Grass Graphics

    Orlok has nailed it on the head too, A lot of selfish extremist gamers here I see. Not only are you Selfish enough to kick all Mid Specs out of the game but also selfish enough to restrict BIS sales to a certain threshold of PC's. I highly doubt BIS will screw over so many people with mid end PC's. Remember that DayZ already has a rather Mid-High Spec need as it's rather resource hungry and not the best optimized game out there. Pro gamers have always been reducing video card settings to get more frame rates out of their games over Quality, Because Speed = more important than Quality when you play competitively. It happens with every game, Hell even RTS games like Starcraft II, and definitely FPS games like Counter Strike. Lol I remember the good old CS days when people would Console Script loads of things out of the game such as the hands and weapon, and play with just a cursor. It's just the way technology works. If you want the Quality then just accept the fact that you need to spend more time scouting for players. Or just lower your settings too, you have two options which are both better than kicking off thousands or millions of mid spec gamers off the game. Be glad that the game doesn't remove nearby grass even on the lowest settings, which by looking at the login screen (with your character standing across different landscapes) is/was suppose to remove grass, but takes no effect ingame. Deal with it. PS. I like the fact that foliage gets in the way of a snipers aim while prone, they shouldn't have too easy now should they?
  3. blazed

    Feeding poop

    lol... if they make turds a throwable object we're all going to be throwing turds at the OP it seems.
  4. blazed

    Grass Graphics

    Wouldn't you find it weird though? I mean you zoom up to an area, you see nothing... then a few seconds later something pops up, I think the way they have it now works pretty fine. Because it goes both ways it's not unfair on one person. Secondly when you have close combat encounter, the foilage really helps to blend in somewhat. I would be fine with removing grass alltogether, I don't want camping too be a big thing, that's boring.
  5. blazed

    Grass Graphics

    That is a really bad idea, then there will be a true disadvantage to people with low spec PC's, getting shot left right and center because they don't have a far distance render. I mean if BIS want to take MID range PC's out of the question and make it High End PC only game then, fine that's better than not rendering. However that would be a bad Business model limiting their target audience.
  6. blazed

    What do you enjoy most in dayz?

    Sniping single players at Airfields waiting for their friends... then looting their shit and leaving a trail of loot towards the body... whilst listening to Smooth Criminal.
  7. blazed

    Grass Graphics

    You can't really force everyones computer to load grass miles and miles into the distance, its just too resource hungry, remember it works both ways, he sees you without grass and you can see him without grass too...
  8. I'm pretty shit with Mosin sniper rifle. I'm pretty shit at judging distance aswell but I use the Dayz map to judge the distance between my location and the places I'm sniping so that helps a little. I've watched a few tutorials on youtube but they haven't been very helpful. I've been trying to shoot people at 700-800 meters away, out of 10 people I spotted I killed only 1, he died instantly but lucky for me he was running towards my direction so not a lot of off movement. I try to predict where the person might be 1-2 seconds later sometimes I'm spot on but I don't know where the fuck my bullet went, I don't even see the dust it leaves when it hits the ground, and with the chamber reload animation it's really hard to keep an eye on it. My opponents know im sniping them, they panic and run around like headless chickens, so I guess the bullets are hitting somewhere nearby, I take about 5 shots miss all, and let the guy run off. Using Bipod and Prone doesn't help my situaton. So anyone got any real good tips for this situation or is sniping people 800 meters really a hard task to hit someone if they are moving? What would you say the ideal range is for a Mosin Sniper rifle? This is my first time really giving the sniper rifle a try, I'm usually the M4 Close encounters guy, but I would really like to get good at long range too. Thanks.
  9. A lot of interesting stories and tips thanks guys... I'm taking mental notes of all of them... I've been experimenting so I'll share my finds too: Firstly this tutorial wasn't quite accurate for me, FOV maxed out and Zeroed in a Zombie was only 2 Mil dots on my screen (educated guess from scope cross) so the Maths was 1.8 x 1000 = 1800 / by 2 mildots = 900 meters, I missed the zombie twice on a 800 scope and finally got him on a 700 meters adjustment. So now I just drop down two levels from whatever that caculation gives me and it's working ok. I've also noticed it took 2 whole seconds before the zombie took the bullet, so trying to shoot moving/dancing targets of 700+ meters is a no no for me now, just too hard to predict where someone will be in 2 seconds. As others have pointed out already now. I think anything less than 600 is more forgiving in terms of how far the bullet will fly off and a less timeframe for prediction. Twice I had someone come up to me and lay next to whilst I was sniping, lol they were blind as ****, I shot them instantly dead even with a 800 adjustment, probably works because they were only 2 meters away from me. At over 800 meters I dont even know where my bullets go anymore, its like they vanish into thin air, can't shoot stuff beyond that point even prone/bipod, all prestine stuff. I've remapped my Hold Breath to "T" now, and removed it off my right mouse button, I've been experimenting holding my breath but it doesn't stop my cursor from moving any less... Oh I forgot to mention, getting the meters right at those long distances is absolutely crucial and the most important aspect, if you are targeting a standing zombie at 700 meters 600 and 800 adjustments will consistently miss while getting it right (700) would hit on first try. However a Zombie at 300 meters can still be easily hit if you are off by 100 (so 200 and 400 would still most likely hit) I'm pretty sure most skilled players will know this already but discovering this has helped me a lot.
  10. blazed

    Did anyone else notice this near the NEAF?

    Actually I trust youtube links more so than any other links, at least it's a controlled video site :)
  11. blazed

    Did anyone else notice this near the NEAF?

    It's been pointed out in easter egg videos already, so yeah people have seen it. Is there anything at that landmark? Can you see the see the little outline of the guy, or is it just a map art, if anyone cares to answer.
  12. blazed

    Bleeding player blood trail

    Had the same idea and found your thread, I +1 this idea. How the hell is a blood trail unrealisitic? I use to make blood trials in my house when I had a nose bleed when I was younger, but for the sake of game purposes the blood should be a little larger to be slightly more noticeable, spotting things in reality is easier than in a video game. You won't see little speckles of blood in a video game as opposed to reality. However the blood trail should stop after a few seconds, maybe like 5-10 seconds, so it's not too OP for the hunter.
  13. blazed

    Feeding poop

    Feeding poop = No thanks from me. Serves no purpose besides disgusting grief, rotten fruit is enough.
  14. Thanks for the input guys, yeah probably better off getting closer, which in return means more likely to die but I guess thats fair.
  15. blazed

    I hear the sea all the time

    I hear really loud ocean sounds in/near the NEAF... MAKE IT STOP......... MAKE IT STOOOOOOOP...
  16. blazed

    Potential player, no-zombie mod?

    Me too, I want my Zeds to be floating large bullseye models, in neon red so they glow in the dark, and make distinct alarm noises. Changing zed models on server side for everyone might be fine, but I hope any client side changs to models and game files will hopefully be a BAN offense.
  17. blazed

    Potential player, no-zombie mod?

    Granted that zombies currently are shit but... You want to play a zombie game without the zombies? What shall we just turn them into flowers?
  18. blazed

    I got trolled hard ಠ_ಠ

    After a while you just learn not to trust geared people what so ever, bambis can be friendly for a while, I just get better results trying to punch someone out instead as you also become a harder target to hit, then beg them not to shoot you.
  19. blazed

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    Can't help you "son", SEEK HELP. Professional Advice, which you clearly are no professional expert in this field.
  20. blazed

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    Tis true, a lot of girls like to play mobile/social games like Candy Crush, when they see Next-Gen type of games they usually say "boring" and scoff... Women and Men have totally differnet wired brains, it's a fact. Women are not interested in Guns, Killing and Battles as much men are, obviously there is the exception to this but that's the minority of women.
  21. blazed

    I got trolled hard ಠ_ಠ

    He walked up to you bro with the gun down, when he was dropping the food you just punch his face out, take his gun and shoot him in the face, take all his stuff and yell all kinds of insulting words on the microphone next time! Rule number 1: Trust none!
  22. blazed

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    Oh shut up... http://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/couple-neglect-imprison-children-to-play-world-of-warcraft-all-day/#!FVaWY A lot of men enjoy the fact their gaming time is "Their time" with their buds they don't want to spend every moment of their life with their g/f, or wife alone. Balance is the word here, and Balance is the Casual gamer, not hardcore.
  23. blazed

    500 second wait timer? Rant @ devs

    I mentioned the same thing a few pages ago, but they declared the reason behind it is due to technical reasons: loading characters and inventory onto a server apparently causes a lot of stress and resources on the server. They didn't say anything about server hoppers. Adding long queue timers outside of technical reasons is just pure dumb, want to test and help us develop this game? Please hold 10 minutes.... (However there are people crying tremendously about server hoppers, they are at that hardcore level already in an alpha game, I don't why though, when these server hoppers die they give everyone else all that loot, so they spread the joy).
  24. blazed

    BattlEye Global banned

    Yeah no one here can help you. BattleEye support will help you out just wait, but they will have the details of why you got banned and the amount of times that a hack was detected etc. Then they won't help you, as they confident in their detection methods. Goodluck.