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About Danirus

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Danirus

    Claim an abandoned building

    Who else thinks it would be awsome to find a 5-digit security lock which you can attach to a door on an abandoned building to claim as your own personal base? Obviously if someone cracks the code they get your loot. The buildings should be out in the wilderness and not generate loot. Only one building per account can be claimed at any given time.
  2. Danirus

    Suggestions that would improve the game a bit

    Imo ranged weapons, ammo and magazines are far too common, the spawn rates need to be dropped dramatically with more melee weapons on offer. I honestly think ammo should be so rare that when you find a pistol with a few bullets in the magazine, you have to make decisions as to wether firing those few rounds is worth it at that point in time, or to hold onto them for a later more deadly encounter.
  3. Danirus

    Humanity 2.0

    My first time posting on this forum, however I have played Dayz for quite some time now. I was trying to think of a way for Dayz to become a more social game whereby players actually help eachother survive. Afterall, if a zombie apocalypse were to happen I'm pretty sure any survivors would work together to try to survive and keep mankind from extinction. Atm everyone is simply playing as a solo PK wannabe and it's completely killing the feel of the game. So to the OP of the thread, nice idea but as the post above mentioned you wouldn't be traumatised for killing another survivor, however you would more than likely feel extremely guilty for doing so. So here is my proposal, a guilt meter. If you kill another survivor for whatever reason, you should be wracked with guilt, Your hands shake almost uncontrolably, you become hungry and thirsty faster, you are more suseptable to disease from drinking pond water and damaged foods and recovery time (healing) is doubled for a 3 hour duration. Therfore you must decide wether killing another survivor is really worth it, Would it really benefit your own survival? However if the other player hits first then you should be able to kill them in self defense without penalty.