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Everything posted by jokkl

  1. go outside... get your body down to the ground... crouching makes less sound then crawling. two feet on the ground makes less sound then your whole body. prone=less visibility more sound / crouching=less sound more vis. it makes no sense that you would make less sound when crawling through a field.
  2. Read the signs at townentrance. After one weekend and dying over and over again you kind of know where you spawned pretty fast. Dont play without a map. Sidenode: My mapreadingskills skyrocketed over the last weekend. Time to get into the wilderness of the Eifel...
  3. jokkl


    wow... whats wrong with gamers these days. going all willynilly and insult people left and right for no real reason...
  4. Just delet your two profiles for armaoa under documnets. Fixed that problem for me.
  5. delet your profile. worked for me.
  6. jokkl

    I quit

    Follow instructions? If that doesnt work... just quit.
  7. I am a new player... started friday last week... and I have no problem at all with spawning without a weapon. It took me half a day till I learned where to look. Only problem with the latest build I see is the bugged uberZeds. But even with them around its a blast. Playing with one friend and another will join us next weekend. I really dont see where the problem is... I guess those "new" players you are talking about dont get what sandbox stands for. Noone will hold your hand and show you what to do or where to get stuff. Figure it out. Some reading works wonders. Looking at all the maps the community made works wonders.
  8. Its a bug... and guess what... it was found cause of testing...
  9. Play on a daylightserver or quit. Nothing else you can do about it and I really dont see your problem. Why dont you just go to a daylightserver? Can only speak for EU servers and we have more than enough of them. Played yesterday till 3 in the morning and the only problem we had was finding a server where we all could go (only two of us). I think that shouldnt be a problem when more are updated.
  10. jokkl

    From an Eve-Online Player...

    100% agree. I am totaly in love with this mod. Best thing to spent 25€ on. Just played for 7 1/2 hours with a friend. Now all I need are some more of my friends playing. Playing solo was a blast last weekend (got it on friday) but playing it with friends is the shit³. I guess Arma 2 sales went up quite a bit. At least three of us bought/will buy it till this weekend.
  11. jokkl


    I thought I wouldnt like it but after playing 7 1/2 straight now I kind of like it. What I would love to see would be some meleeweapon to start with. You dont need a gun... they are all over the place.
  12. jokkl

    U.B.C.S. Story. Never Get Comfortable

    Who the f*ck is this Bluefox. Where did he come from?!
  13. I dont see any point in this. There are leaderboards... if there are leaderboards the competition is already running. I guess you missed the train...
  14. jokkl

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    I am also wondering this after seeing the fueltank hotfix. Are heli's back? I thought not since they were causing lag and desync problems? edit wrong question. pretty sure I found a crash side yesterday. but with the nonstopspawns I didnt even try to get any closer cause I was alone out in the woods...
  15. jokkl

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If someone could help me out with some blood. I am in pretty bad shape and need some help. edit: I took a risk and went out looking for matches while collapsing every few minutes... all good now.