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About fadisoma

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    On the Coast
  1. Regarding the realism factor, I think spawning weapons without magazines in them makes sense. What you're assuming is that the apocaIypse has just begun and therefore weapons and magazines should be near each other because logically speaking that's where people would keep their magazines, close by, just like how food and can openers should be in the same kitchen, saline bags and iv kits flooding hospitals etc... But that isn't the case is it? You enter a home and it's literally empty, not even a fridge to raid, why? Because the assumption is that apocalypse hasn't just begun, if it did, every home would be a treasure trove and one visit to the police station and you're pretty much solid for the next few weeks. Chernarus has already been ransacked to shit by previous survivors who have bolted (or died), you're just stuck with the leftovers. Now that the assumption has been cleared up, if buildings have been ransacked and all that's left is a few items here and there, it would make total sense to walk into a police station find a sporter but no magazine. Think about it, zombies have invaded the town, everyone is freaking out/dying, you're the first to reach the police station (another assumption here is that the cops haven't taken all the weapons for themselves, but that's another discussion), you find 10 sporters, and a buttload of magazines. Do you pick up all 10 sporters? Realistically, no, you're not the hulk, you pick up maybe one, or even two if you've got a wife waiting for you in the car, and stash as many magazines and bullets as you can carry and not be weighed down, and you're on your way. Fast forward to current day Chernarus after the police station has been looted multiple times by the settlers of Chernarus, finding a weapon with no magazine in it or near by is a very viable scenario. Disclaimer: I'm not saying REALISM UBER ALLES, I understand Chernarus doesn't exist, zombies don't exist, we're talking about completely hypothetical scenarios, and it's just a game. I agree that in a "realistic" game some realism must be sacrificed in favor of fun game mechanics and enjoyability, I'm just addressing the fact that the assumption made earlier that guns and their magazines are stored close by because that's where people keep them and therefore guns (sporters) in Chernarus should spawn with magazines, is not an entirely correct assumption to make given the circumstances of a zombie apocalypse and the current state of the city you're in (already ransacked). My two cents.