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38 Good

About nurdseprem

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. nurdseprem

    Gear Shifting Concept for the SA.

    Hello there, i just created a little concept for vehicles on reddit, but somehow there are people downvoting my thread just one minute after i have created it. Its really annoying to get a few views on that because it just gets so damn negative voted that i can't get acess to some critism. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/26gyzf/dayz_sa_gear_shifting_concept/ Thank you guys, im not bagging or something ... but its really frustrating :/
  2. nurdseprem

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    I say yes to helis when there come permament safe storing (holes in the ground which can't be seen from the air) or full houses.
  3. nurdseprem

    DayZ SA's current state in a nutshell.

    1. That guy is right, he knows a lot about Modelling and prices 2. Thats a damn SKS not mosin 3. If you don't know anything about creating 3D models then be quiet and let the experts talk. How in the world could a person need over 10 days for a AK model + Textures WTF? I do that in 2 days... ~ 16h all together for 200€.
  4. nurdseprem

    Devs need more pressure.

    Hello there, all i see is people complaining about complainers, with the Argument : Its only a Alpha and the Devs know what to do. Now this is WRONG! Some Devs are lazy and don't have enough motivation to do things properly. And when people say this game is broken, fix it ... then thats a valid argument. You can't simply say "Ohh wait till its final and it will be great" because thats exactly what Devs think about, they think "ohh people are sorting out shit for me, i can do whatever i want". Now what we need to do is ... TELL the Devs hey listen up, the first thing to do is to fix the main engine before adding useless stuff. Instead of going "Its only alpha". When the devs get some pressure and negativity then they will work faster and do their job better.
  5. nurdseprem

    Is this considered Desync? (Video)

    Thanks guys, so i should better play on low pop servers right?
  6. nurdseprem

    I'm done for now...

    Ohh no, next time just try to help people instead of complaining about their complains.
  7. Hey, is that desync or a server problem? That guy was shooting randomly in the air and hit me. I can't use my mosin somehow, maybe my bullets were ruined.
  8. nurdseprem

    The AK Sound

    One question, why are people downvoting this for no reason? http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/24vluv/hire_jsrs_to_create_some_nice_sounds/ Tell me one reason why this is a bad idea?
  9. nurdseprem

    The AK Sound

    If you guys could upvote here , that would be really awesome. I hope dean will see it. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/24vluv/hire_jsrs_to_create_some_nice_sounds/
  10. nurdseprem

    The AK Sound

    Hire the guy from JRSS and problem solved.
  11. nurdseprem

    The AK Sound

    http://www.twitch.tv/hicks_206/b/526168389 Skip to 01:46:15 and listen.
  12. nurdseprem

    The AK Sound

    For me it sounds like the mod sound, but that doesn't mean its good. I don't like the AK firing sound because it sounds 08/15 like in CS without any volumetric effects. Compare to JRHDS You can hear him shooting at : 01:46:15 -> http://www.twitch.tv/hicks_206/b/526168389 Compare to this :
  13. ... when you call tourists out of map glitcher ... you punch people random in the head at the beach because they have the new military eastpack, your argument is : BUT IM A BAMBI ... FUCKING ADMINS ... you call every driver a hacker for spawning cars