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RJ Macready

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About RJ Macready

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  1. Once killed you have the option of a: respawning back on the coast to start over or b: rising from the grave as a zombie indistinguishable from all the other undead. As a player controlled zombie (3rd person view disabled) with your very own stats tracker (humans ate/attacked/killed) you have the ability to sprint at other players which draws other zombies to you, in order to stop zombie players chasing noobs all over the map they would need to have a run timer after which they would revert to a walk. Imagine slowly making your way from point to point avoiding the undead but unbeknownst to you a player controlled zombie spotted you and he’s decided to just amble about with the horde letting you get into position, once he’s manoeuvred himself into position he instantly runs screaming straight to you from the middle of the horde, not only would this scare the absolute shite out of me but would add an extra element to dealing with zombies i.e. is there a smart zombie in the middle of that group.
  2. dont get me wrong im looking forward to seeing the Arma3 engine in action but c'mon nai, that looks absolutely perfect for DayZ imo of course
  3. In an alternate universe Dean is putting the finishing touches to his cryengine3 port of DayZ...
  4. Its only the big main buildings, all other buildings would be still accessible for loot, hiding out in. This would enable large clans to have a base, to help others by offering sanctuary and a place to trade or for bandits to launch raiding parties on other players. The individual doesnt even need to go near these structures
  5. Another idea and this one goes down the MMO route but should not be instanced is dungeons, now by dungeons I’m not talking about your classic WOW type but more along the lines of the following.. An Aircraft Carrier has beached up along the coast, it has several entrances from gaping holes in the hull to ones that only Helicopters can land on up top. Inside you’ll find a maze of tunnels, dead ends, large open spaces and intertwined with each other and all filled to the brim with zombies and competing players all looking for the illusive armoury and access to top tier weapons. An abandoned Hospital, rumour has it that a doctor found a cure for the infection but was killed before it could be distributed. Inside the sprawling hospital lies not only medical supplies but also vials to cure those members of your team that have become infected The Urban Mall, classic Dawn of the Dead mall filled with all manner of supplies but utterly surrounded by zombies both inside and out but for those that battle to very heart will find a shop filled with chainsaws, the ultimate close combat zombie killer And so on and so on --edit reason im mentioning dungeon type gameplay is to add something other than suriving, pvp etc to the game and to put in small group gameplay elements, the more variety it has the longer it'll retain players as theres only so much crawling around in the grass looking for beans you can do before boredom sets in
  6. I’d be more inclined to use what’s there rather than open the map up to user created bases everywhere. Making the prominent buildings in the towns & cities capturable gives an incentive to clans to fight over the best real estate in the game, be it the big farm with wide open fields around it or the fancy city block overlooking the whole city. The ones in control of the farms, can control the livestock of said farm giving them food to trade with the city clans in exchange for weapons or parts meaning even small farming communities out in the sticks can be just as important as the bigger city outposts.
  7. sorry for the repost, tried to look through the OP but when i click on the show spoiler nothing comes up for me
  8. Also command centers will be very hard to capture, the zombies in and around such areas will be more numerous than usual and also be tougher to take down. The base will also need upkeep in the form of degrading defences from continuous player/zombie attacks if this laps the zombies will once again overrun the area and the flag will be removed
  9. I’d like to see player created/contested zones, for example split the map up into multiple zones and at the center of each zone have some sort of base or command centre so to speak, this could be a barn, police station, town hall, or any other significant structure. At the top of each command centre will be a flagpole, in order to raise a flag (which btw would be your particular clan tag) you’ll need for example 5 people to all click on it at the same time (the bigger a zone the more people it’ll take to capture) once this is done the whole zone will become Clan A’s area and will be notified by a global message informing everyone that Clan A has now taken control of zone B. What this will do is a: give clans/groups a place to call home and come with certain perks for instance a garage to store vehicles, boxes to store gear etc, it will also give other players/clans a target to either attack, trade with, avoid or set up allegiances and effectively give the game more depth with a constantly shifting powerbase. It also will give the game so called safe zones as the clan in control of a command center will then be able to build defences a certain distance from the base be it sandbags, tank traps etc and allow trading posts to be set up free of zombies for players to come and go. Outside the zone zombies will still spawn as before but not inside the compound. Inside players can set up stalls to sell or trade weaponry found whilst out and about, notice boards can be put up and modified offering jobs, hit contracts etc. That’s what I’d like to see, obviously contesting and taking over a rivals base would need some serious thought as siege mechanics would need to come into play and what’s to stop clans coming in when the other team is in bed/work etc and raiding the place as let’s face it with a global server base players will be on at all times of the day and night and a UK clan might have difficulty keeping a base when its 3am on a Monday night! Anyways just a few suggestions
  10. RJ Macready

    Can't beat them, join them

    try re-reading my post again "matey", i neither have the equipment, time nor the experience or else i would be all over this, to post a screenshot of your lifeless body in this post would surely be full of win.. Harden the fuck up!? come now, no need to get snarky.
  11. RJ Macready

    Can't beat them, join them

    Seriously like, why hasn’t anyone logged into his server and taken the this dude out? I would if I was a: more experienced with the game, b: online at the time in question & c: tooled up like a motherfucker, unfortunately I’m neither of those and would just end up another notch on his epeen belt but surely there’s a squad or some bored dudes out there that fancied a challenge, he offered up a pretty good one and certainly didn’t shy away from it.. As for I’m an indie dev about to release a beta game with zombies in it blurb, way to go endearing yourself to potential customers/gamers, not a cool way to start bro.
  12. RJ Macready

    Backpacks are for Carebears

    sounds fun, maybe add in the ability to shoot yourself in the foot to make it extra hardcore...
  13. RJ Macready

    Walked into a camp site at Pik Kozlova :)

    haha that'll make for one tense meeting...
  14. RJ Macready

    Chernarus vs Ireland

    jesus man, im from the north and i found it hilarious especially his references to the north.. well done, some off us north of the border can take a ribbin leek
  15. RJ Macready

    Is 3rd person really going away?

    christ i hope not, its perfect the way it is as an option so why in the fuck would you want to limit choice in how you choose to play the game